Oct 03, 2004 01:01
It's unfortunate that I have to post this in my Live Journal though, you leave me without choice since you cowardly signed off, blocked my AIM sn and did not tell me what in hell's name you are talking about here. I will spare you the embarrassment of not having to look at where you grossly enlarged the font in parts of this IM such as when you typed, die over and over. Frankly, I am speechless.
Session Start (ahfackya:fuzzywoman): Sat Oct 02 19:59:32 2004
[07:59:33:PM] fuzzywoman: fuck you cunt
[07:59:33:PM] *** Auto-response sent to fuzzywoman: BBAIESDOBTWILYAYKIAYYMMVHLN
eat that Acrobot! : D
[07:59:44:PM] AhFackYa: hello?
[07:59:51:PM] fuzzywoman: c u n t
[08:00:03:PM] AhFackYa: umm wha'ts the problem
[08:00:22:PM] fuzzywoman: that your still alive
[08:00:38:PM] AhFackYa: ok, would you care to expand on that please?
[08:00:48:PM] AhFackYa: i assume you'd like to see me dead
[08:01:21:PM] fuzzywoman: well, your alive and i want you dead`
[08:01:27:PM] fuzzywoman: yes***** 1
[08:01:31:PM] AhFackYa: ok we've established that
[08:01:40:PM] AhFackYa: would you tellme what your problem is with me
[08:01:55:PM] fuzzywoman: why are you starting shit
[08:02:00:PM] fuzzywoman: ?
[08:02:02:PM] AhFackYa: /
[08:02:03:PM] AhFackYa: ?
[08:02:07:PM] fuzzywoman: ?
[08:02:08:PM] AhFackYa: what shit would that be?
[08:02:08:PM] fuzzywoman: ?
[08:02:09:PM] fuzzywoman: ?
[08:02:09:PM] fuzzywoman: /
[08:02:10:PM] fuzzywoman: /
[08:02:15:PM] AhFackYa: be specific
[08:02:29:PM] fuzzywoman: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? d i e ???????????????????????????????
[08:02:31:PM] AhFackYa: i dont start shit btw
[08:02:35:PM] AhFackYa: Colleen
[08:02:42:PM] AhFackYa: i can't talk to you if you're not gonna talk
[08:02:47:PM] AhFackYa: tell me what i did
[08:02:53:PM] fuzzywoman: you want to go ........you cunt
[08:02:54:PM] AhFackYa: i have a right to knwo right?
[08:03:12:PM] fuzzywoman: you have no right as a dead women
[08:03:42:PM] fuzzywoman: jk
[08:03:44:PM] AhFackYa: listen
[08:03:48:PM] fuzzywoman: jk
[08:03:51:PM] AhFackYa: this is reallysilly
[08:03:58:PM] fuzzywoman: die
[08:04:00:PM] fuzzywoman: jk
[08:04:06:PM] *** "fuzzywoman" signed off at Sat Oct 02 20:04:06 2004.
Session Close (fuzzywoman): Sat Oct 02 20:07:57 2004
I have ABSOLUTELY no clue what your issue is but, please take note that I DO NOT take threats lightly. I can only wonder if this has anything to do with me and Kyle. While it is no one's business but ours, Kyle and I have deep feelings for each other and have for some time. We have been trying to meet for A VERY LONG time now. This really doesn't concern anyone but the two of us, however, any obstacles we have encountered along the way, we have dealt with and resolved, unless it is something we have no clue about. Now, if you or anyone has issues with this then I would appreciate it if they would be brought to the appropriate party's attention. So, unless you care to explain yourself, I am done with your temper tantrum.