Jun 04, 2008 20:08
So not everything has gone to plan so far this summer, but i am not saying that is a bad thing. I came home to find out I have no job here because the one I was supposed to get fell through. I have little money in the bank so i am in need big time for a job. I was going to re-enlist and get $15k but they changed how you get it so that screws me out of money for the summer. I leave to Wisconsin tomorrow for about 2 weeks. I will be back in town 22/23. Then I am packing up my stuff and its back to Durham for me. The summer will be pretty boring cause Durham sucks in the summer. I had planned to hang out with the usuals, go boating and have a grand time. I really wanted to get back in touch with the people that I lost contact with and try to fix some broken relationships. I wanted this to be the summer where I spent it at home and just tried to fix some of the wrongs. Looks like due to money issues that is not going to happen. I was really hoping that this summer could be the start for a friendship to form out of the ruins. Looks like that got foiled. Nice thing is that i'll be back at my place that i love so much, cause hell its nice when you do not have to live with your parents and you can show them that you can do it on your own. that has to be the one thing i enjoy about growing up, showing my parents that i will be fine. Durham is only 45 minutes away so I will hopefully make it back down and people are always welcomed to come up.