2 x 2

Nov 04, 2005 23:07

Gakked from gavin  - the (dubiously-named) "Noah's Ark" Meme

Two Names You Go By
  1. I've never had nicknames -- I even tried to start some when I was in grade school, but they never stuck.
  2. That said, it is legal to call me T.J. I mean, those really are my first two initials.
Two Parts of Your Heritage
  1. English
  2. Irish (here comes the joke: no wonder I hate myself. Ba-dum bum!)
Two Things That Scare You
  1. The idea of really really deep -- like ocean-deep -- water
  2. Hypodermic needles
Two of Your Everyday Essentials
  1. Bunch of meds
  2. Nearly constant internet access
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
  1. My Frederick's of Hollywood serve-up-my-tits-on-a-platter bra.
  2. My fake-cowboy-boots slip-on shoes, which, in an ultra-classy move, I fixed using a staple gun.
Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists (at the moment)
  1. Mike Doughty
  2. Teenage Fanclub
Two Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love)
  1. Shared, almost mind-reading sense of humor
  2. Rampant attraction
Two Truths
  1. Anymore, seeing brilliant graphic design or photography makes me ache to create equally gorgeous, brilliant things myself, preferably instantly. Seriously, it hurts.
  2. Speaking of hurting, sometimes it seems like I'll never stop pining over guys that turned me down. Not ones I left. Just the ones that left me.
Two Physical Things that Appeal to You
  1. Broad shoulders and chest
  2. Extra-tallness
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
  1. Figuring out new website techniques / graphic design
  2. Spending time with animals
Two Things You Want Really Badly
  1. To have a career
  2. To be serene
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
  1. South of France
  2. Australia
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
  1. Own a house
  2. Find someone to grow (happily, comfortably, romantically) old with
Two Ways that you are stereotypically a Chick/Guy
  1. I like things in my environment that are sparkly/luminous/shiny/pretty.
  2. I dote on animals.
Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admit
  1. I think of a lot more evil, snarky things to say to people than I actually ever do.
  2. I put Equal in my milk. It's my "Laverne" thing, like milk and Pepsi.
Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
  1. My expenses/income for the month
  2. How much that "to be serene" answer up above is bothering me, in its possible unreachability. Typical.
Two Stores You Shop At
  1. Target (rocks!)
  2. Trader Joe's
Two people I would like to see take this quiz
  1. djmrswhite
  2. funkparadise

Two people I haven't talked to in a while (emailing and LJing doesn't count, right?)
  1. My friends Michael and Derek
  2. My grandparents
(Do you all feel edified now? ;) )


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