Name a CD you own that no-one else on your friends list does:
The self-titled
Superman Loses The Girl.
Name a book you own that no-one else on your friends list does:
Fascinating Womanhood. Outdated female repression reborn as Christian guide to life. Scaaaaa-ry.
Name a movie you own on DVD/VHS/whatever that no-one else on your friends list does:
Local Hero, which I for years and years have loved more than a very loved thing. I've owned it on VHS, Beta (!!) and now DVD. Plus I bought
Mark Knopfler's soundtrack for the movie, which I never do.
Name a place that you have visited that no-one else on your friends list has:
Palatka, Florida, population 10,033 (as of 2000). This
profile from my gleeful new find, (!) hails it as the "Bass Capital of the World." Best quote from my time there, from the "hotel" clerk: "Oh, this town's got a taxi, but I wouldn't ride in it."