So you'd rather eat my dust?

Oct 06, 2004 16:25

I have just been told by the short, slight, largely ball-less supervisor of today’s temp job (totally new place, trying to get a way from the disorganization of the old place) that it’s okay to surf the web if there’s no work to do (which there isn’t) but it’s not okay to work on my animation script writing on my laptop.

So visible goofing off is preferable to my accomplishing anything or experiencing any personal gain?

I asked if I could do my work on the company computer instead (which I found to be incredibly slow and unstable when working off a disk, because it’s set up for all this complicated networky shit and doesn’t remember how to just be a computer anymore.) I was told yes, that would be preferable.

So again, as long as it’s inconvenient, and I’m minimizing my own personal gain and efficiency, then using company resources is preferable to being self-sufficient.

To be fair, I’m sure they’re only acting like this cuz it’s my third day and they don’t know me yet. Cracking down on the new kid to make sure they get indoctrinated right. But really? I spent the whole drive in debating whether or not I was going to have to bail on this job totally (I’m supposed to stay at least a month and a half) because I have too much writing work to do the two-jobs thing just now. I’m afraid the writing isn’t getting enough attention. And if something’s going to get short shrift, it AIN’T going to be the only vestige of a career I have.

So it just ain’t the time to be telling me to put away that lucrative TV writing so I can pick my nose like a good drone.

:::does that cool black chick head wavy thing:::

ps: I’ve been too busy to breathe lately (almost literally - I need to get into the LA Free Clinic for some new inhalers and I can’t find time), but I owe comments back and all sorts of things to people here. Maybe if I quit you’ll get them soon. :P

temp jobs

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