May 15, 2003 19:59
Me no update long time. It figures it would take the first temp job I've gotten in nearly a month - after WEEKS worth of sitting around on my ass - to make me go against the rules and post something.
Then again, I've actually been interested in non-fandom things - perhaps the notion of writing more stuff, like my Buffy spec - that will advance me in the ACTUAL REAL WORLD.
Such a concept.
I'm taking an online class in memoir writing, reading a lot of examples, and have started cooking up an original series pilot. Except for yesterday, when I succumbed and started writing sequels to my Harry Potter fic. The next little chapter is actually ready to post. I keep thinking about it. If I had it with me, I'd do so. The chapter after that will Full of a lot of stuff.
So I'll post later. :) Nice to "see" everyone.