I'm immersing myself in fannish things lately without really anywhere to squee/gripe/whatever about them except here on LJ. I've mostly been devoted to Facebook/Twitter where I can - in fact am forced to - talk about stuff that doesn't make up the seamy underbelly of my consciousness, stuff that isn't the intellectual/emotional equivalent of cross-dressing that I don't want non-fandom "civilians" to know about, but here? My geek flag can freely fly without fear of judgment - in fact, sometimes it gets saluted. I need that in my life again, lately. I think I will be taking advantage of it again.
So Bear friends and others...don't expect me to say anything for the foreseeable future that doesn't involve slavish devotion to a TV show and/or preoccupation with the fake emotional or romantic entanglements depicted therein. I hope you can look me in the eye from now on.
I was searching around for something on YouTube and came across this sort-of outtake from the Doctor Who episode "Human Nature." (It may be very old news for the diehards, but it's new to me.) The Doctor makes a tape of instructions for Martha to play on the TARDIS console, and in the episode she fast forwards past a lot of it and skips to the end. Well, they still needed to record something for her to skip, so they let David Tennant ad lib in the middle, and here is where I mention that DT is a fucking comic genius and this adds even more proof, as if we needed any - mostly I'm just floored by how seamlessly he snaps back into the scripted part at the end. Here's Martha's unexpurgated tape.
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