If you are, like me, a Bear of Very Little Brain, it can sometimes get a little confusing keeping track of who's who on your flist. This happens mainly with the people I've met online exclusively but never in person. Usernames start to flow together, you remember reading posts or profiles but it's just words on a page and not experience. You see
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As a nun in a high school production of The Sound of Music...
A Halloween party...where I had to come as Asthmadeus, the Prince of Dimness.
I think this was to show off my new camera.
Most recent photo of my new glasses...which people only get to see if they go and see a movie/play with me, or if they happen to be in one of my lectures.
And to make up for all those photos of me, a picture of my cat Simba (a.k.a. Sims) a while back when I had that wonderful collar to laugh at.
Plus, cat in collar = hee! Poor baby.
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