Feb 28, 2007 03:20
Thanks to everyone who responded to my request for intrepidness (aka, other-country traveling tips). All suggestions are being saved, processed and hopefully utilized as soon as I can possibly manage it. :) Then YOU will be regaled with pictures and tales, hopefully inspiring YOU to go out and regale us all with pictures and tales. It's the circle of life--HUZZAH!
My picspam photo request post is almost ready to be responded to, if it wasn't for coolbyrne's suggestion which actually requires me to get off my ass and leave my house, not to mention decide where I'm going to take the picture in the first place. ;) Seriously, it was a very inspired suggestion--please, inspire me to take even longer by adding suggestions of your own, right here.
My current online obsession is the content of my Feedreader, and my obsession among said content is definitely design and DIY blogs. Apartment Therapy is KILLER for people in small spaces and on a budget who still want living spaces made of awesome. It also has several city-specific branches of itself (I read the L.A. version, natch) which do things like offer up local Craigslist ads for cool furniture; How About Orange is a graphic designer's personal blog with a nice sensibility (except the bitch can paint--artistically, that is--and I can't, so half her projects I could never achieve); I hopped on the Design*Sponge bandwagon today but am reserving judgment till I see more.
My blog obsession of TODAY is INSTRUCTABLES. You freaking HAVE to go here, in case you haven't already--it's got user-submitted DIY tutorials for EVERYTHING, including How to Make Bacon Soap (Are you listening, e_ticket and co?), How to Make an Invisible Bookshelf, How To Bifurcate Your Own Tongue, and How To (quite illegally) Open A Coke Machine.
And finally, I took some pictures in a doctor's office the other day, while stuck waiting. They had this really cool fishtank that was built into a wall--looking through the water, you could see right through to the back office. The fish were pretty--the bright blue one was a total camera whore/busybody, and would zoom right up and get into my face to see what I was doing every time I got close and held up the camera. The eel also looked amazing when he rippled off through the water, but I figured a still photo would never capture the phenomenon so I went for a nice portrait of his face instead. :) Click the thumbs for bigger pix:
And this was my favorite shot, because the see-through tank makes it look like a fish just floating in mid-air in an office. I call it The Anti-Gravity Fish. :)
That is all.
PS: this entry took for-freaking-ever to code. All just to spam people's flists with some extra-long, non-lj-cut entry they'll curse anyway. And yet, I am an attention whore who can't help herself. Feh.
bullet-point post,