Check it out -- a case of a crime blamed on MySpace, where young girls were the perpetrators against an older man, not the victims:
US schoolgirls 'mug MySpace man' And gotta go to
Free internet radio where you make your own "stations" from the following procedure: suggest a starting point of an artist or a song - computer algorithm-y thing starts playing music you'd probably like based on said starting point. When it gets it wrong, you tell it so and it redirects. When it gets it right you tell it so and it keeps up the good work. When it screws up, it's either WTF? or hilarious, and when it gets it right, it's AWESOME.
(You can also add in additional artists or songs to an already existing station and then it tries to split the difference, which is another way of amusing one's self -- you know, put in Metallica and Pat Boone and watch smoke come out of the algorithm's ears...)
Either way, go now!
(ps: I've also got another staff job at Nickelodeon - for some reason I'm all tight-lippy about it this time, though. I think last time I was all focused on what the job made me look like, and this time I'm focused on actually, oh, DOING the job. Don't know. But pictures will be coming soon. ;) )