I've made a lot of new sites for myself lately -- the biggest of which is a redesign of my main fandom site. My fan-geek HQ is now called
Placebo, and is easily accessed by clicking the handy-dandy link. It's got new features, like a section where I've put up some recent TV spec scripts I've done and where I'll likely throw any future ones once they're too uncool for Hollywood school, but still quite readable by fen.
I've also got a new way to show off the LJ icons I've made -- powered by lovely php to update itself and keep me from having to code tiresome tables anymore -- which is at
And, because of the general lack thereof, I threw together some screencaps for the show "Mythbusters," which I tossed up
here and which I might keep doing or might not. (Since I've just gotten my TiVo ToGo Home Media option up and running lately, I can download any shows I TiVo straight into my computer. So screencaps might be something I do more and more...)
All while ignoring plenty of other work that could more responsibly be done, of course. Whee!