Out Of Character Information!
NAME;; Colleen
AGE;; 25
lumati AIM/YIM/MSN;; AIM: Mercurial Whimsy
EMAIL;; earthboundstarlight@hotmail.com
In Character Information!
CHARACTER NAME;; Rinoa Heartilly
aheartwithwings CHARACTER AGE;; 17, almost 18
FANDOM;; Final Fantasy VIII
TIMELINE;; When Rinoa was running through time during time compression looking for Squall
Face close-up ABILITIES;; Rinoa is a sorceress, one of the few women from her world who can use magic innately without the use of limit breaks or para-magic. This innate ability has quite the stigma attached to it though, as several sorceresses in the past have used their powers for negative purposes like world conquering and the like. There were quite a few sorceresses who used their power for good purposes, but it's a simple case of the bad outweighing the good in the minds of most people.
Each sorceress is shown to have an area of expertise for Edea it was Ice magic, for Ultimecia it was Time Magic. Rinoa's ability, perhaps a reminder of her untrained status and untapped potential, is shown to be just raw, primal magical ability shown very clearly in her limit break Angel Wing. Rinoa's reservations about being a sorceress, caused by the social stigma of the position, is a reason why her abilities seem to be less than other sorceresses despite having inherited power from not one but two different sorceresses. It is possible that after some time and training she could become quite a bit more powerful than she already is, a sobering thought given how devastating her magic already is. That said, it's unlikely that Rinoa will ever see the cause to fully hone her power anytime soon. As far as she's concerned it's all over and everything will, hopefully, go back to normal now.
Her limit break, Angel Wing, is Rinoa's second desperation move. Angel Wing causes Rinoa's magic damage to be multiplied by five. When Angel Wing is triggered, two white wings grow from her back and enable her to fly. After this she spends the battle in a berserk status, unable to do anything but cast magic selected randomly until battles end.
Note: As I don't intend on her having Angelo, I haven't made any details about combine. I can of course add them in if the mods feel it's necessary.
Other than her magical ability and limit break, the final offensive ability to be noted is that she uses a Blaster Edge in battle. Blaster Edge is a unique bladed projectile weapon that functions in a similar manner to a boomerang.
As she's more or less a normal girl otherwise, she doesn't possess any other abilities unless you count her remarkable bravery and head-strong stubbornness that is.
It's also shown that she's got no talent for crafty things as her model train looked more like a model wreck. I typically compound this by stating that she's also a terrible cook thanks to her childhood of luxury, but it's based on head canon and not stated fact.
Brave and outspoken, it's very clear that Rinoa cares very much about what's happening to the people around her. Despite having grown up in the lap of luxury, Rinoa threw it all away to help people in another town stand up to their oppressive government despite not gaining anything from it personally. Once she's determined a course, she'll follow it through to the end no matter how hard or inconvenient it might turn out to be.
While determination is a good thing, Rinoa can take it a little too far sometimes being borderline pig-headed when her heart's set on something.
On a psychological level Rinoa doesn't like being left alone. Her biggest fear seems to be just that, being alone either because everyone else is gone or she's been abandoned. I've always assumed this was tied to both her mother's death and the way her father distanced himself from her soon after.
The only daughter of General Fury Caraway, it could be assumed from her family's upper-middle class roots that Rinoa is just a vain, selfish girl, but that couldn't be more wrong. Admittedly she is a little naive about the workings of the world, but she has grown up to become a rather open, caring, and joyful person. Due to her comfortable (some would say privileged) upbringing she's very open about her opinions, speaking her mind without reservation. Rinoa has the habit of speaking her mind, typically in a way that's ultimately likely to upset people. She really doesn't mean any harm or offense by this. In fact she believes very strongly in the power of caring and has faith in the fact that even the smallest acts of kindness can have a deep impact on people. It's this belief in the good in people that lead her to try and restrict Sorceress Edea's power with an Odine bracelet instead of outright killing her.
Despite her mother's untimely death when she wasn't quite five years old, Rinoa takes after her mother quite a bit in both looks and personality. The Heartilly women have shown to have rather spunky personalities and rather strong-willed temperaments. While she's currently at odd sorts with her father due to the wildly different stances they took on Galbadian freedom, she's unfortunately just as stubborn as her father. This would explain why she's so determined to distance herself from him, though deep down she wouldn't know what to do if something bad happened to her father.
A well educated girl, Rinoa's favorite hobby is reading and she's been a rather voracious reader over the years. Initially it's this hobby that introduces her to the problems going on in Galbadia that would eventually trigger the events that lead up to her running away from home. Concerned over the state of world events, she goes to Timber and joins one of the many resistance movements hoping that she could find a way to change the world, to find a way to make Galbadia a better place for everyone to live. Soon, she became involved in way more than just a simple war for independence. The fact that she chose to stand up and fight instead of running away speaks quite eloquently about her bravery and internal fortitude, even in times of great danger. Knowing that she wasn't a trained fighter like her companions, Rinoa still did her best to make sure that she was pulling her weight. Though it might not have seemed that way to other people, not to mention the fact that it was likely that sometimes she was more of a hindrance than she'd ever been a help.
The journey proved to be more eye opening than anyone could have hoped. It brought to light many things about herself that Rinoa would likely have never discovered if she'd stayed home where it was safe. Admittedly the biggest change was centered around when she awakened as a sorceress. With the stories of Edea and Adel fresh on everyone's minds it was a terrifying experience to realize that she was suddenly more than she'd ever been before. Being possessed by Ultimecia also opened her up to just how dangerous the sorceresses could be, so by the time Esthar demands she turn herself in so that they can contain her sorceress abilities she doesn't hesitate despite being scared. In the time before the ship landed back on earth she opened up to Squall about just how much her new found power scared her as she was afraid of what would happen if she was ever brainwashed by evil again. For this reason she gave herself up, hoping to protect the people she'd come to care about. Despite her claims that it was fine, when Squall and the others came to rescue her she showed far too much relief which means all along she'd been absolutely terrified, but had been willing to sacrifice herself for the greater good.
Despite being a young woman with extraordinary powers at her commands, it's easy to see that she's not letting the magic get to her head. Instead, she still wants to live her life as normally as she can surrounded by the people she cares about the most. This drive to remain close to those she cares about, and to keep from being alone, is another side effect of her mother's death as she truly wishes to find the same love and security she remembers from her early childhood years. It's safe to assume that between her new friends with SeeD she has found just that and it's unlikely she's going to let go of those bonds any time soon.
The only child of the distinguished General Fury Caraway and the famous singer Julia Heartilly, Rinoa grew up rather comfortably in a mansion in Deling City. Her childhood was practically perfect, at least it was until her mother die in a car accident when she was five. Her life changed drastically after that as her father withdrew into his work after the loss of his wife.
Twelve years later, she couldn't be further from her father. Having moved away from home, joined a resistance group to fight Galbadia's tyranny, and adopted her mother's last name it was all pretty clear signs that by this point she wants nothing to do with her father. About a year before the events of the game, she meets Seifer Almasy a SeeD cadet who introduces her to the mercenary-for-hire concept that is SeeD. With his help, she attends a ball given to honor the newly decorated SeeD to see if she could convince the Headmaster to listen to their requests and send some of their forces to help with their cause. It's during this ball that she meets Squall for the first time, persuading him to dance much to Quistis' surprise.
So it's quite a surprise for Rinoa when the three chosen SeeD for her request turn out to include none other than Squall, the cute guy she'd coerced into a dance at the ball. Their first mission ends in shambles when their target turns out to be fake, but it doesn't improve when their next plan needs to be ditched due to too many enemies being in their way for such a small force. At this time Squall and Rinoa butt heads about if the Owl's were serious or not. This leads to her storming off for a while, only to return when she sees Seifer on TV.
Too late to find Seifer, Rinoa and the SeeD go into hiding for a little while as the Galbadian military searches all over town for them. Several arguments with Squall later, Rinoa ends up masquerading as a SeeD when they arrive at Galbadia Garden to avoid any trouble. With new orders in tow they return to Deling, where they meet up with General Caraway. Her relationship to Caraway revealed, her father then proceeds to lock her into a room so that she can't get in the way. Later, when she finally manages to escape the room she gets into an argument with Quistis who thinks that Rinoa's plan is just something she's come up with as a way to rebel against her father. Still as the SeeD move to carry out their mission, Rinoa moves to carry out her plan regardless.
Her plan, leads to a rather spectacular failure as the sorceress sees right through her plan and puts Rinoa under her spell to use as a sacrifice for the ceremony. Thankfully Squall and Irvine rescue her just in time and when Irvine fails to assassinate the sorceress, she fights alongside Squall to try and stop the sorceress after a run in with Seifer who's now operating as her knight. Sadly, they're no match for the sorceress and they're pretty badly beaten. It's this scene here, where Squall gets impaled by a spear of ice and falls seemingly to his doom, that it starts becoming clear that she's slowly developing feelings for the rather stoic SeeD she argues with all the time.
Of course Squall doesn't die and instead everyone is shipped off to prison for opposing the sorceress. Rinoa, getting special treatment because of her father's influence, is separated from the rest and then Irvine later shows up to rescue her. After a tussle with Irvine, who'd been set to return to Deling and leave the others behind, the two go back and help the rest of the SeeD escape.
Their escape accomplished, they split up into two teams. One to go stop the missile threat that they discovered in prison, the other to go warn Balamb Garden in case it's too late to stop the missile attack. Staying with Squall, they work together to uncover Balamb Garden's secret, something that Cid is certain will help them survive the attack. Nothing could have surprised them more than discovering the Garden could move though and soon Garden crashes into Fisherman's Horizon. Sadly Trabia Garden is hit pretty badly, though they don't learn this until later.
Fisherman's Horizon, a city of pacifists, asks them to leave immediately as they could only cause trouble. However, it's SeeD's presence that saves the city when Galbadian soldier's show up looking for Ellone and threaten to burn down the entire city. Thankful for the help, the people of the city decide to repair the Garden. Soon after this, the rest of their team returns which leaves Squall looking practically overjoyed, a fact that Rinoa is quick to pick up on. He's not half as stone-hearted as he tries to seem.
It's at this point in time, with news of Gardens repairs underway, that Cid chooses to announce that he's making Squall Commander of SeeD and Garden both. To celebrate Selphie throws together a concert in his honor. During the concert Rinoa has a heart to heart with him, trying to remind him that his friends were all there for him and that they wanted to do everything they could to help him.
After this things start moving at a rather rapid pace, after freeing Balamb from Galbadia's forces they head to Trabia to see how the other Garden has fared. Giving Selphie some time to look around her home, Rinoa admits to the others about how she feels like a burden and the fact that she's worried about the future. Unknowingly this triggers a memory in the others and they realize that they'd actually grown up together and just forgot about it thanks to the effects of the guardian forces they junction for battle. Their past remembered, they decide to head to the site of the orphanage they grew up in.
On the way they run into the Galbadia Garden which also happens to be mobile as well. Rinoa, who'd been working with some of the others, manages to fall down a cliff when part of one of the outer pieces of Garden breaks off. Thankfully she's rescued by Squall before she can fall to her death. The two then talk about Griever, Squall's favorite ring that Zell borrowed and gave to Rinoa. After this, they head into Galbadia Garden where they fight Seifer and the sorceress again. The sorceress is defeated, Edea returns to her senses, and Rinoa falls into a coma.
It's while she's comatose, that Squall realizes she's a pretty important part in her life. So, rather stubbornly, he carries her all the way to Esthar. There they travel to outer space where he reunites with his half sister Ellone. It's during this time that Rinoa wakes up, but fully under Ultimecia's power. Using Rinoa, Ultimecia frees Adel, the sorceress who was the cause of the first sorceress war. After this Rinoa is left floating in space to die. Once again Squall manages to save her just in time. Together they board the Ragnarok and head back to earth. On the way they have a heart to heart conversation where Squall admits to being worried about people getting close because they always leave and Rinoa admits that he's the one who brings her the most comfort and happiness... and annoyance and disappoint too naturally. It's soon after this scene that Squall learns that Rinoa had inherited Edea's power when they drove Ultimecia out, making her a sorceress now.
Upon landing, Rinoa is taken away by officials from Esthar to be sealed in a new tomb that's designed specifically to bind her powers much like Adel had been before she was freed. Thankfully Squall and company interfere and take her away from there, heading back to the orphanage. There Rinoa has another talk with Squall, admitting her concern that Ultimecia might try and possess her again. She asks him to kill her, if Ultimecia should turn her evil and he refuses saying that Ultimecia alone is his enemy and that she wasn't. He then asks her to stay close to him in an effort to protect her. Then, admitting a dream she'd had, the two promise that if anything happens and they're separated they'd meet each other at the flower fields near the orphanage.
Moment over, the fighting starts back up again as they move to face off against Ultimecia one last time. Sadly, in the Lunatic Pandora Rinoa is captured by Seifer who then gives her up to Adel. The next battle is a careful one as Adel has junctioned Rinoa to her making it difficult to harm the sorceress without harming their friend. In the end they succeed, though Rinoa is forced to take Adel's sorceress powers on top of the ones she already possessed. Now without a body, Ultimecia enters Rinoa again which allows Ellone to send Ultimecia into the past, a key factor in letting her accomplish time compression.
Soon enough, an epic battle takes place and they manage to defeat Ultimecia once and for all. This leaves time unraveling though and the party much each make their way back to the present time. Rinoa manages to return well enough, but uses her sorceress powers to re-enter the time flux when she discovers that Squall is nowhere to be found.
[After some time has passed, she's managed to calm herself down though she's still really worried about Squall. Still, moping about won't do her any good, so if she's going to get out of here she needs to find out just where here is.]
Hiya! My name's Rinoa, it's nice to meet you whoever you are. [She smiles and waves at the device that the robots were kind enough to explain to her.] I don't know how I got here, but I think there's been a mistake. You see, there's someone I need to rescue and if I'm here there's a chance he might get stuck in time forever. I tried asking S.A.M.M. about it, but he won't tell me anything. So please, if you know anything about this place or how I could leave would you let me know? [Unconsciously she reaches down, hand wrapping around Griever protectively. Somehow she'd make this all work out no matter what the odds. Just you watch her!] I'm sure it's as wonderful here as S.A.M.M. said it was, but if Squall isn't here and safe there's no way I can stay.
He'd promised to meet her there, but he hadn't been there. That fact alone was enough to cause Rinoa to worry, Squall wasn't the sort of person who'd give his word lightly after all. That meant something bad must have happened to him. Returning back to that fractured time-stream was unnerving but necessary, though how she got her powers to let her do so she'd never be able to tell. Maybe she wanted it bad enough that her power just had to listen or something. After all, Rinoa wasn't about to abandon Squall after all he'd done for her and all the times he'd come to her rescue before.
Setting her jaw, she started to walk along the dusty surface, doggedly ignoring the ominous clouds around her. She would not fail! Her determination lead to nothing though as the next thing she knew she was waking up in a strange bed in a strange room with a strange voice introducing himself as S.A.M.M. in the background.
"Huh? What? What happened?! Squall? Where's Squall?" She struggled out of bed, tripping herself up on the bedding due to her haste to be mobile again. "I've got to save him, please! Let me go back!" Her powers, powers that had been so helpful before, now wouldn't respond at all. She was stuck here wherever this was, and Squall was still out there somewhere possibly lost in time for good.
"No!" Sick with worry and more than a little heart broken, the young woman fell to her knees and covered her mouth with her hands as the tears began to fall. This couldn't be happening! It couldn't just end like this!