Alright, so if you read my post from last night, you know that there is a long list of things that annoy me to no end. So, if you look under the cut, you will find that list. I will be adding to it from time to time, I'm sure, but these are the things that get on my nerves on pretty much a daily basis.
Please feel free to spam me with the things that annoy you most! I'm curious to see what makes other people tick ;)
Oh, and beware that I sort of go off on mini-rants on some of these things, and my language gets a little colorful lol.
1. People who bitch and moan about how much life sucks, but never do a damn thing to fix it.
2. Animals dressed as humans. Monica Gellar so had the right idea about that! I could go off on a rant like no other on this issue alone.
3. Paris Hilton. Skag.
4. Reality TV shows. TV for people who don't have a life of their own.
5. Jon & Kate + 8. HATE THAT SHOW. I don't give a damn about their marriage. From all I can tell, Kate is a raging bitch, and she's using her infertility problems to finance her children's education. She'll pay for this some day.
6. Perez Hilton, and it's not just because he was talking smack about Hilarie either. Dude is famous for no reason. I don't get it.
7. People who don't use turn signals. You know, there's a reason why those are STANDARD features on a car. They aren't just there for decoration.
8. People with ridiculously loud stereos in their cars, and insist on turning them up as loud as possible so the rest of us are forced to listen to their horrible "music". Why is that that people with stereos like that ALWAYS listen to shitty euro dance music that makes me want to kill someone? No one who listens to Led Zeppelin EVER has a stereo like that!
9. Skinny girls who bitch about being fat. Seriously, if I have to hear that one more goddamn time, I'm going to tie your bony ass to a chair and force feed you sticks of butter! At least then you'll have something real to complain about.
10. Crazy religious wingnuts who are forever trying to "preach the word of God" to those of us who have "lost our way", and strayed from His holy light. Give me a fucking break! God and I have talks at least twice a day, and at no point has He ever told me that I have to bomb a clinic to spread His word. You might want to check your connection.
11. Tom Cruise. I would like to say Scientologists in general, but Will Smith and John Travolta aren't crazy, so I can't really blame the religion for Tom Cruise. Although, I suppose he could be lumped in with the religious extremists I mentioned above.
12. Pro-Lifers. Now before you get your knickers in a twist, let me just say that I am not a fan of abortion. I'm pro-choice on the issue because I don't believe I have the right to tell another woman what to do with her body, and I really don't think men should get a vote on this issue, since they don't have a uterus, and will never have to make a decision like this. They can have an opinion all they want, but at the end of the day, it's the ladies who get the final word. I think the Pro-Lifers would feel differently if they found themselves in unfavorable situations for having a child. Say a woman gets cancer, or a thirteen year old girl is raped by her grandfather. To me, those are okay reasons to terminate a pregnancy. Getting knocked up after a 10 guy gang bang THAT YOU PLANNED is not okay. (Sorry, that was a little graphic lol)
13. Deadbeat Dads. I have one. I'll leave it at that, or this post will NEVER end.
14. Alcoholics. Anyone who read my last post knows I know a bunch of those too. I know, I know, it's a disease blah, blah, blah. It's hard to see it that way when you live with one, let me tell you. I see someone making a conscious decision to drink alcohol when he/she knows that he/she shouldn't. Since when is making a decision a disease?
15. Drew Peterson. Motherfucker looks like my Dad, first of all. Second of all, the arrogance that prick has is just astounding. I'm glad he was finally charged for his second wife's death. Asshole had it coming. I really hope they find his third wife's body. I don't believe, for a second, that she ran off with another man.
16. Graphics elitists here on LJ. Now, before I offend any of my graphics making friends here, allow me to explain this one. There have been a few communities that I have looked at the applications to become a maker for the communities, and the bitches who run the communities should be shot. Granted, there are some people who make graphics, and probably shouldn't because they're horrible. On the other hand, I have seen some really good stuff get rejected because someone didn't like the color balance or the textures that were used. It's called diversity, asshat. Look it up. Why bother running a community if you want all of the graphics to look like they were made by the same person? BO-RING.
17. People who never shut up. I can get chatty, I admit that. However, there is a time to put it on receive, and listen to the other person you are conversing with. My little sister Katy is HORRIBLE at shutting the hell up. Silence can be good. In fact, I hear it can even be golden...
18. Chocolate combined with orange or raspberry. Makes me want to narf just thinking about it. *shivers*
19. People who give me shit for not liking red meat that isn't well done. I don't want to be like a hockey puck, just cooked all the way through. Since no one can EVER cook a steak correctly for me, I have given it up.
20. Tweens dressed like hookers. I have a 14 year old cousin who does this. Makes me sick. I don't know who I want to slap more: her, or her mother for letting her dress that way.
21. Kindergartners with cell phones. WTF is that about? If your 5 year old requires a mobile device, perhaps you have Junior a little over scheduled, just saying. Or perhaps you should try spending more time with your kids. I have severe rage issues when it comes to the bullshit parents try to get away with these days.
22. Oprah. That's right, I said it. Oprah pisses me off. If you've ever seen one of her "Favorite Things" episodes, you know why.
23. Republicans.
24. The TV announcers for the Chicago White Sox. I might actually like the Sox more if the announcers who called the games weren't so friggin' boring. I just want to take a nap when I hear those douchebags.
25. Older people who say I can't possibly understand something because I wasn't alive for it. My Aunt told me this not too long ago, and I just wanted to smack her for it. She then went on to talk about the Great Depression like she was there for it.
26. Hyopcrites. See above.
27. Liars. Just be yourself, even if you're an asshat. I know people who are douchebags and asshats, and I'm fine with them because at least they're honest about it. Eventually, everyone is going to do something less than savory. Some people are prone to do it more often than not. Either way, just be honest about who you are, and we'll get along great.