Title: All Left
aheartfulofyouRating: PG
Pairings: Wilson/Julie, House/Wilson
Words: 283
Setting/Spoilers: Post-S1, “The Honeymoon”
She turned, startled, when James walked in the door. Early. On time. Early for him. She was nearly resigned by now to his walking in late at night, if at all. Disappearing in the middle of dinner, leaving her to cope with her parents, who would scold her for his disinterest in her. Explaining, trying to be soothing, telling her he had urgent work calls, surgery with patients, a lot of paperwork that made him stay late, telling her House was having trouble and he wanted to be there. The latter wasn’t very often spoken, but it was the one she believed the most.
He took her around the waist and pulled her to him, making her drop the spatula she was poking with at a casserole, and making her instinctively smile, like she hadn’t done since, nearly, the very beginning of their marriage. He kissed her once, fairly loudly, on her cheek, and when she turned up her head a little, almost trembling a little from the sudden, unexpected affection, he kissed her on the lips, too.
She heard later, over the week, by picking up phrases he spoke to her and piecing them together, that his old friend Stacy, House’s ex-girlfriend, had gotten a job at the hospital. That House was-not in James’ words, but good enough-fixated on her, still in love, struggling with her proximity.
The sudden renewal of passion and playfulness was enough to let her have an excuse to shy away from pushing divorce papers.
It was enough to let her ignore his distant, dark eyes.