
Jul 07, 2011 02:43


Oh yay, a new legacy. Why are the beginning of these always so awkward..
Oh well. Hope you enjoy~

Here's our main man, Jackson. Darling lad.

His favourites include: some dish I can't remember, indie music, and a shade of green I can't quite recall.
Excuse me for not noting this down.. He's also a Taurus! In case you were wondering or something.

And his cozy little home just outside of Bridgeport.

First order of business is to enroll in the Military! And oh. Pigeons.

Beautiful.. pigeons.

And then it was off to the gym, which was clearly the place to be this time of day. 
That boy on the left seems to be having a lovely day.

Evidently running on the treadmill isn't necessarily Jackson's forte..

Oh. A woman. Hmm.

Oh. A bitch. Hmm.

Look, lady, if you're going to continue checking him out, you could at least let him talk to you.

Meanwhile across the gym, extreme training was occurring.
Lady: You call that working out?! You'll never be able to hold onto a woman with those twigs you call arms!

He's suffering.

After quickly regretting picking a job that started so early, Jackson was late his very first day.
Jackson: Where the hell did my ride go?

Once he got home and slept for a good few hours, he did a bit of a work out in the security of his home,

and remained totally fab in the process.

With increasing funds, I got him his very own treadmill so he could fail at it without the stress of being judge by gym-goers. Needless to say, he still sucks at it.

After a couple of days mostly spent working and sleeping, I figured it was about time to get this legacy moving and find him a spouse. What better place to look than a bar?

Hmm, she's actually really pretty.

Oh. Uhm. Oh.

I'm assuming this means no.

Oh, look who it is.

Jackson: Fancy seeing you here.
Celebrity: I'm too rich to be associated with someone like you. Go away.


Third time's the charm.

And so we intercept her attempts to go to the bar.
Jackson: Hey, name's Jackson. You wanna dance with me?

Girl: Uhm. Okay, I guess.

Poor thing looks terrified.
Anyway, her name is Chelsea.

Oh god the bartender

Why are you cleaning that glass with your hand. Why.

But then the bar closed and they got kicked out.
Jackson: So.. I'll call you tomorrow?
Chelsea: Sure whatever.

A few days later and after a couple failed attempts to get them out together, Jackson received an invitation to a party Chelsea was throwing, which meant touching his face for a good half hour before going.




Party time!
Jackson: Hey, Chels. 
Chelsea: Oh, you're here. Excellent.

What a lively party.

Chelsea evidently made salad for the party, so why not take advantage of some free food.
Jackson: So, this "party" is pretty lame. There are only four of us here.

Chelsea: Shut up and eat the salad.
Jackson: Right..

lala lame party lala flirt time.
Chelsea: So Jackson, how about you and me go somewhere after this party.
Jackson: Oh okay, sure.

This guy and Chelsea were apparently involved romantically prior to Jackson so he obviously wasn't too fond of all this flirting up in this party. Jackson even rolled the want to fight this guy, but no. No fighting.
Not on this day.

Don't even try and win her back with your guitar playing, bro. She's being sucked into this legacy whether you like it or not.

Once the "party" came to an end, these two went down to the beach.

Now excuse me while I explore the lovely features of Generations.

Jackson: I believe these are for you.
Chelsea: Where did you even pull these out from?

Jackson: That doesn't matter. Do you like them?
Chelsea: I love them.

Chelsea: The stars sure are beautiful.
Jackson: Yeah.. beautiful..

I spent the entire time awh-ing at my computer screen. Generations is too cute. Anyway,

Chelsea: I should probably be getting home.
Jackson: If you insist. But before you go...

The next night after much work and much sleep, Jackson successfully made dinner for him and Chelsea, who had yet to get there.
Jackson: This looks disgusting. Am I even doing this right. I'm in the Military, not culinary school.

After dinner, he proposed to going steady. She, of course, said yes.
And then this cute little moment quickly turned into.. uhm..

well, this.

After which Chelsea saw it fit to strut about naked.

She's clearly a keeper.

Awh but they're so cute

A lovely choice for breakfast, Chels.

She didn't even finish it. The nerve..

Then she broke the tv. This girl...

Chelsea: I'm pretty sure this isn't how you fix a tv.
Jackson: I'll worry about the tv in a minute. Just lemme ask you something.
Chelsea: Yes?

Jackson: I just wanted to know if you'd maybe like to marry me?

Jackson: Please?

Of course, she said yes. Who could reject an underwear proposal?

But then she left for work before I could move her in so I had to wait until the next day so Jackson could actually sleep before getting up at the ass crack of dawn for his work.

B'awh she's a cutie pie. But a handful, at that.
Her traits include: Star Quality, Dramatic, Evil, Mooch, and Artistic, and her LTW is to be a Distinguished Director.
I don't remember her favourites, haha. Oh, and she's a Pisces or something I think.

The following morning, she popped! Yeeah boi.

Evil plans,

She is making evil plans

I figured I'd go ahead and work on Chelsea's celeb level while she was on Maternity leave.

And Jackson got a promotion so I went ahead and re-did the house a bit.
Made some baby-room. Yeah.

Chelsea strolled about town bragging about her pregnancy to celebrities.

and engagement.

Meanwhile in the Ladies bathroom at the Salon...


Duckface everywhere.

Chels found another celebrity who happened to be pregnant as well. Of course, she didn't want to talk to Chelsea..

Lola: Look, I don't really have time for someone like you..
Chelsea: Well, I am level 5 in my film career.

Lola: Oh well then nevermind, you're cool.
And so they became friends.

Oh. Perfect time to cut off their "romantic interest" relationship.


And then it was party time again.

Oh, well if you insist.

That's not a lot. The hell..

Chelsea: So listen, Rocky.. I know you've probably figured out by now that I'm engaged and pregnant

Chelsea: which means we can't continue with this thing we seem to have going. You're a great guy, but I think we should just be friends and move on. You should move on to new people.

Chelsea: You know what I'm saying? I don't want to hurt you, but it's for the best. You understand, right?

Rocky: WHORE!

Rocky: How could you do this, you mooching bitch!
Chelsea: Calm down, it's not like we really did anything anyway..

Then he threatened to kick her out.

Chelsea: Whatever, this party is lame anyway. Even lamer than mine was.

Rocky: That's it, get out.

The next day, I had Jackson and Chelsea tie the knot before the baby came.

Yay marriage.


Now, I am one of those people who skips the worm-baby stage because that's boring and no fun and rules matter not to me. So yeah. Here's the kid.

His name's Malachy. He has Chelsea's hair and eyes but I'm hoping as he gets older, he'll have some Jackson in him. He's absent-minded and insane. Oh.

But he's cute so it's okay. For now...

And with that, I leave you. Hopefully some of your enjoyed it and I can continue without feeling like no one loves me. So yeah. Toodles~

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