Apr 21, 2010 14:19
got a friend getting married end of this year. actually, got two cousins getting married end of this year. actually, also got a friend getting married next year, and i suppose this is when it dawns on me - i am at that marrying age. fuck. and i am single and lesbian. lovely lovely thought.
i have come to the conclusion that i don't fancy weddings, but will make my obligatory appearances i assure you (if you are mates in question reading this). i am somewhat comforted by the fact that after the wedding age comes the divorce age. and then the sick (more often than not) age. and then the funeral age (edit: i completely forgot the child-bearing age). i am also somewhat comforted by the thought of open bar, but slightly deflated i cannot drink myself stupid. i shall be the one sipping beers at the corner table, only ever so slightly sulking at my sans plus one.
wondered aloud with a friend how a virgin bride on the wedding night would feel and what happens if sex with newly wedded husband reveals itself to be more a chapter from blair witch than the backseat scene in titanic. i pointed out that chaste bride has nothing to compare with, thus unable to make a proper assessment. i made an excellent point, but however inexperienced, i'm pretty certain a girl can tell whether she fancies what goes on between her legs. i shrugged at the sad thought of clumsy people struggling to have clumsy sex for the rest of their clumsy sad sex lives, or so they have promised each other.
Note to Self: Be happy with what you get...