Dec 28, 2004 15:27
!!!!!!!!!!!MeRrY cHrIsTmAs, EvErYoNe!!!!!!!!! ~HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS~
So, Andrew woke me up @ like around 7:30, but he had been trying since around 6:45... poor lad! he tries so hard, but is sometimes annoying, hehe... he got a kamikazoo (is that what its callled?) anyways, it was in his stocking, but he was humming christmas songs into it and yelling at me to get up, i finally rolled out of bed... then we opened presents!! i got a CHI hair straightener, pink UGG boots, the first season DVD of the OC!!!!!!!!!!, lots of clothes, a new ski suit for spring break! (YES - girls i cannot wait!!), loads of candy, money, and scarfs and hat and stuff like that. then we had breakfast and called relatives and stuff. my mom cooked a lot, my dad took a nap, yaya called family and then went back to bed, andrew played new computer games and i watched the oc wearing my uggs. Katie, yaya's friend came over for christmas dinner and it was fun. shes so nice and we've known her for a long time - i love her. Tim (my brother!) came by the time we were eating desert, so that was nice. but then josh called my cell and was like "come over!!" so i did. allie, catherine, emily h., amy and boone were there and we hung out and watched spiderman... awww jonathon is so cute.... i love him, dont worry am, hes all yours! hehe. then i went home, and went to bed!
ohhh.... but the like BEST EVER christmas gift all took place within a phone call........ ASHLEIGH CALLED ME!!!!! turns out, she invited me to go up to visit her in fredericksburg!!! so, next friday i am off!! i am syked! thank you ashleigh - i cannot wait! I LOVE YOU!!