The Secrets of Midwives, by Sally Hepworth

Jun 24, 2017 17:54

The Secrets of Midwives, by Sally Hepworth

I received a free copy from Goodreads giveaways in exchange for an honest review.

Having been a birth doula, I'm inclined to like stories that have a birthy bent. I liked this one well enough. It's a very quick, easy read. The story alternates between the viewpoints of three generations of midwives, and of course each has her secret she's carrying.

I didn't much care for Grace or her passages, and I felt she was a bit one-dimensional. The mommy issues between her and Neva seemed a bit strained at times, and all based on Grace being an incredibly grating person. She had some redeeming qualities in the end, but she wasn't very fun to read.

Neva has a secret pregnancy that she's managed to hide from every birth professional she works with or is related to. It strained credibility a bit, as did the awkward reveal, but I was more peeved about her repeatedly assuring the men in her life that she was sure of her dates and no the baby wasn't theirs - when really it just seems like Neva (or the author) is playing everyone involved and the reader as well.

Still, Floss's chapters, especially the flashbacks, were really engrossing. I sped through the book in one sitting. The ending's a bit pat, so I think I give it three stars overall, but it was a decent way to spend the afternoon.

books, birth, reviews, women

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