Weekend Accountability Post

Feb 18, 2017 11:58

I'm really sucking today.

I was sick this week, so I really need to pull it together this weekend and try to get the house back in some semblance of order. Problem is, it's so overwhelming that I don't even want to start.

Figured I might as well try to rally some buddies, even if it is the weekend. I must do many things. Here's my public accountability, but cheerleading &/or cleaning sprints would be very welcome.

Josh gets home in 2 hrs, and I need to knock some stuff out. So far I've done my morning routine (including make bed), made playdough for Maya, guitar practice, and did dishes. I've also done far too much piddling around online.

Habitica is telling me that I need to vacuum today, so I guess I'll start with picking up the floor. I'll check back in in an hour in the comments section, maybe less if I peter out too soon.

help, goals

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