[UPDATED!] What We Become: A Supernatural/Walking Dead Crossover (Chapters 1-5 of ?)

Jan 12, 2014 19:46

Title: What We Become: A Supernatural/Walking Dead Crossover

Author: Ahavah

Fandoms: Supernatural/The Walking Dead (TV) -- may have some influence from TWD comics in later chapters.

Rating: Not Rated (Given the canons, err on the side of 'Adult')

Warnings: Spoilers for TWD through Season 3 and SPN through Season 6. Cursing, violence, eventual smut, other canon-appropriate shenanigans.

Pairings: Mention of Glenn/Maggie, Dean/Lisa, and Bobby/Jody, Rick/Lori, and Sam Winchester/Sasha (subtext), though nothing explicit. All manner of pairings may be explored in future chapters, though.

Summary: Ch. 1-3: After crossing paths with the Winchester brothers, Daryl Dixon is turned into a vampire. He must help the brothers find their grandfather, Samuel Campbell, who has the cure.

Ch. 4-5: The Winchester brothers agree to check out the prison and investigate Lori's ghost under the pretext (mostly) of holding Hunter 101 training.


Set following TWD season 3 (after Woodbury but before Season 4 picks up) and an alternate SPN season 6 where the main apocalypse was still thwarted but Pestilence succeeded in releasing the Croatoan virus "swine flu vaccine".

CONTAINS SPOILERS for both Supernatural and The Walking Dead tv show. I'm focusing mainly on the show, but I'm a fan of TWD comics and may eventually incorporate storylines &/or characters from those as well.

Chapter 1 I Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5

nanowrimo, fanfic, squee, writing, links

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