Reading Deprivation

May 05, 2013 11:56

The reading deprivation week is a task for Week 4 of The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. My AW Buddies and I are starting Week 8 today, but I saved the reading deprivation specifically for this week.

I still have trouble with this 'hell week' every year. I have a hard time enjoying Cinco de Mayo anymore, including seeing all the happy posting & partying, after what happened to my mom on May 5th (<-- TW for that link: head trauma, lots of grief). It's all the Mother's Day posts that are worst of all. She died on Mother's Day, and that's probably my fault since I wouldn't let them pull the plug on our wedding day. I still hate myself for that, tbh. I was too hurt and greedy. I still wanted to go ahead and get married with her there, and not do that that day. So anyway, I decided to do my reading deprivation to help encourage me to stay offline from 5/6-5/13, and hopefully I can miss most of the Mother's Day hoopla and stay more positive and upbeat this time.

I have a lot of things I plan to get done while I'm not reading. I still plan to write. And I do plan to cheat and keep up with my online write-in chats that I've been having with my writer buddies. That helps me SO much. I get more done than I probably do the rest of the week.

Here are the things I plan/hope to accomplish this upcoming week:

  • Go through mom's things. It's way passed time.
  • Do a ceremony/shamanic journey.
  • Write more stories!
  • Revise Fire Witch and send it back out. This may be cheating too, but I'm also long overdue on that revision. May get to it tonight, in fact. We'll see.
  • Plant my garden! That is also well overdue. Sheesh.
  • Finish helping Josh fix the pasture fencing.
  • Put in more resumes/job apps now that I'm well again.
  • Do a couple big cook days, trying new recipes I've been meaning to try. That was the week I got sick, so I never got to any of the new stuff. Hope to do some of them today, in fact.
  • Check out the local-ish SCA group.
  • Try painting or drawing again.
  • Maybe try selling some kefir at the Farmer's Market.
  • Write letters.
  • Check out the videos in my new Intro to Guitar class that I haven't had a chance to even peek in yet.
  • Go for walks with the family.
  • Find my camera. Take pictures while on our walks, if I can find it.
  • Clean more around the house.

Now, I do have to go to the library tomorrow and look up some books on their catalogue to see if any of the branches have them. I tried Friday, but it was storming so they had the computers all shut down. I found that that particular branch did not have any of the books I was looking for, so I want to find out who does and pick them up throughout the week as I head in various directions. If not, I'll put in some long-distance orders via the library share thing they have.

It will be interesting to check back in afterward and see how much of this stuff I actually got done. Here's hoping!

goals, artists way, family, healing, links, writing, art, mom

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