Coming Soon to a Homestead Near(ish) You...

Jun 11, 2011 13:41

I was going to do a ceremony and a whole blog post addressing my fears, and then the other day...they were just gone. Some kind of awesome mommy-mantle descended upon me and I knew that everything would be not only "just fine" but wonderful. A million what-ifs all were just gone. I have this awesome feeling of peace. Doesn't matter if the birth is ( Read more... )

recipes, maya, mo, family, friends, life, links

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Comments 9

athenesolon June 11 2011, 21:42:21 UTC
We tend to do up a (veggie) lasagna if you're talking about prepared to just be thrown in the oven. We make up the cheese using cottage cheese (or ricotta depending on how fancy of a mood we're in and whether we can afford it) italian seasonings, extra thyme and mozzarella cheese (or italian cheese if we have it.) We stir them together (usually by hand) and then layer the sauce, veggies, cheese and lasagna noodles (usually in that order) multiple times ending with cheese on top.) It does take a while to cook (about an hour and half on average) but it's really good (usually we pull the aluminum foil off of the top for the last fifteen minutes to let the cheese get a little crisp.)


ahavah June 12 2011, 11:49:02 UTC
Thank you! I'll have to give this a try. I've actually never made lasagna and always wanted to. Josh says he knows how, but since we never had it, I'm not sure. :P


roina_arwen June 11 2011, 21:59:12 UTC
I like a very simple egg salad - mash up some hardboiled eggs with a fork, add in enough mayo or Miracle Whip to make it moist, a dash of salt/pepper to taste, and refrigerate. Some folks add in pickle relish or somesuch, but I like mine plain and simple!


ahavah June 12 2011, 11:50:15 UTC
Cool, thanks! I was looking at recipes, and a lot of them seem to call for vinegar or other odd stuff. I'm not a relish fan myself, but maybe I'll start simple and then start experimenting. Josh doesn't do any mayo-type salads, so I can experiment all I want. :P


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ahavah June 12 2011, 11:53:30 UTC
Awesome, thanks! I thought baked spaghetti-ish dishes would do well. Could I have your Italian Bean Soup recipe? I do remember you cooking up a storm, but I don't remember what. Well, I remember your sauce, but I'm a big pasta head and that filled up the house with yummy smells. lol

I didn't even think of premaking chili or sloppy joes, so we may have to do that. Josh loves both of those. I don't even know what seitan is. I'll have to go look it up. Thanks for the tips!


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ahavah June 12 2011, 15:59:10 UTC
Cool, thank you! I'll have to try that recipe. Eden seems to hate all beans but green beans, and I'm really trying to find some good bean recipes that she'll enjoy. Kid doesn't even like chili! I look forward to trying the garbanzo bean soup recipe too. We get lots of garbanzos with WIC. I like making hummus (which she'll eat), but having another recipe would be good.


ahavah June 12 2011, 12:14:29 UTC
Posting some a flybaby left on FB, for better reference later:

Tater Tot casserole

Crock pot recipe index

Found on LJ:

General Tso's Chicken Josh's fav - must try.


aimingforpeace June 13 2011, 01:46:19 UTC
Lasagna is awesome for the freezer. Rice casseroles tend to do pretty well too. I've heard pizza does well. Basically look at the frozen meal section at the super market - especially the super cheap stuff. I do extra tofu sticks when I do tofu pictta and freeze them - you could do the same thing with breaded chicken I would think. Man

My theory is that if they can make it, freeze it, and have it come out edible, than I can usually do a pretty good version of it myself. So far I haven't been off.


ahavah June 13 2011, 18:35:44 UTC
I just can't seem to find good meals or recipes that Josh likes. He's so damn picky! I'll eat up rice or noodle casseroles, but he seems to dislike most casseroles and doesn't want to eat rice at all. I could try doing mini-pizzas maybe, but we don't have a whole lot of room in our freezer for big stuff. I'm hoping for meals that we can divvy up into portion sizes & tupperwares to make them fit better. What we really need is a deep freezer, but we haven't managed to find an affordable one yet. :/


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