Artist's Way un-check-in

Dec 29, 2010 10:43

I haven't been on top of the Artist's Way this week, since I've been really sick. Hardly done morning pages at all, haven't had a real writer's date (I did design my 'Working Title' world), and haven't done any of the tasks. I'm feeling mildly better today. I'll try to catch up after work and eventually do a check-in, but I'm behind schedule.

I'm extremely sad & depressed that my Kushiel RPG is dead. I think this has affected my motivation to write. I even sent out a note yesterday telling folks to save their files as I'd be deleting the group after New Year's, and not a single person responded. I flogged the shit out of that dead horse. Me & a few folks had awesome plot ideas we wanted to explore, and then they just stopped responding. If any Kushiel fans would like to come in and help breathe life into it and save it, please let me know. If not, I think I will be done with RPGs - and perhaps co-writing entirely - for a long while.

Never worked on 'Working Title' the other day. Just felt too bad, plus I got into a bit of a tiff with a couple people and that distracted me. I'm hoping to at least START the thing tonight after work. I do usually let ideas percolate for a while, so maybe it will be better for my procrastination. I have to give a huge thanks to lessthan90sheep for reading over my winding brainstorming and giving me some feedback on that. My cuz still hasn't answered, so having someone to bounce around ideas with really helped and stoked the motivational fire. The fact that a few of you have poked me and asked how it's going has also been a huge help. I will do my best to write a short story tonight. At least start the one that's been floating around in my head.

The kids are also working on reading & writing lately. I keep leaving notes for them at night, and Eden sometimes leaves me notes back in my bed. Mostly we fight over whether turtles moo (They do. One does, at least, for certain. I highly suspect that the rest do, and it's just too quiet for human ears.) and whether tigers eat turtles/mom/dad.

That's about all I've got going on in the creativity department lately. Hopefully I'll have a better report after I catch up on AW.

dragon alliance, books, writing, unschooling, artists way, friends, eden

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