I'd like to hear you guys' thoughts on vitamins and supplements. I've been thinking about them quite a bit lately, and it seemed like a timely topic when I saw
this story on “Dangerous Supplements”. Now, I'll be honest - I prefer to go herbal as much as possible, avoid all medications unless I really need them, and I don't particularly trust the FDA when it comes to pushing medicines and down-talking herbs & vitamins. Color me jaded. Then again, I really don't know a lot about the different vitamins and supplements. I am woefully ignorant, but I've decided to learn.
Anyway, since I recently got this new job that often includes stocking, I find my nails have started breaking quite a lot as I open boxes and lift heavy things. Add this to the fact that my hair has been falling out a lot more in the last year or two, and I decided to splurge on a “Hair, nail, & skin” supplement. It's mostly calcium, with a nice dose of other things I can't pronounce and some vitamin A, D, etc. thrown in. I've felt my age upon me lately, especially with my now-trick knee, and I seem to be getting sick far too often, so I'm wondering what other vitamins might be good for me. I make myself sound decrepit here, but I'm still only 29. Just thinking maintenance, especially since my family has a history of heart disease and cancer.
I plan on maybe taking more vitamin C or echinacea for my immune system, and folic acid since we do plan on TTC in the future. Perhaps fish oil or omega acids, since I eat a lot less fish since Josh and I got together (he got food poisoning once as a kid and can't even stand to smell it cooking). I plan on reading and learning more about nutrition and making sure that we eat healthier and that I get more water, etc. I'm a blank slate on this subject though, so I have some substantial reading to do.
So I thought I'd start here. Do you agree with taking supplements? If you do, what kinds do you take? What do you avoid? Do you give any to your children? Do you have any good resources to recommend?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this with me!