Friends Cut

May 05, 2010 03:18

I finally did the friends-cut I'd been meaning to do for a year or so now. I mostly dropped journals that appeared dead, people I never heard from, or folks I felt I just wasn't cultivating a bond with.

It's late at night and I did go click-happy though, so if I deleted anyone by accident, I apologize. If you're still active here and interested in what I post, and if you'd like to be added back, just drop me a line and let me know.

There are a number of journals that I'm still on the fence about. I nudged several old friends, too. I may end up dropping more if I still don't hear from them. I'm really needing to cultivate deep friendships and tighten up my support network.

Thanks for understanding! And seriously, if I dropped someone I shouldn't have, don't hesitate to let me know.

lj, friends

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