Happy New Years!

Jan 01, 2008 04:01

X-posted to mission101

I'm wishing a joyous, abundant, and blessed 2008 for you all! Instead of a New Years resolution post, I've decided that this would be a good time to update everyone on my 101 goals in 1001 days project. My last update on that was in July, and I've accomplished a few things since then.

The point of Mission101 is to complete a list of 101 preset goals in 1001 days. For me, that means:

Start date: Saturday, September 2, 2006
Ending date: Saturday, May 30, 2009

15 / 101: 15% done!

As of my July 6 update, I had 12 items successfully accomplished and 15 in progress. That's changed and shifted a bit as I lapsed on some things and completed others, but I'm still plucking along. I have only successfully completed two more, but I am further along on some other goals - and the reading list. (Note to people who think it's a good idea to read 101 books in 1001 days: It's a lofty goal. Have some magazine-to-'book' conversion system to help yourself out and not waste quality reading time on goal-less magazines/reader's digests/newspapers). I hope to post a book list someday soon.

Here's the scoop. The new progress is in bold.

Completed: 15

1. Organize this list Misc.

2. See Keller Williams live - (Nov. 5, 2006 - The Neighborhood Theater in Charlotte...it was awesome!) Misc.

5. Find a female friend. - *Waves* hi, lahermite! Misc.

9. Get my DONA, Int'l certification - Got the call 5/20/07 - I'm certified! :D Doula

15. Get a portable massage table Reiki 12/24/07 - Thank you, K'Sitew!

16. Teach a reiki class - Done July 1, 2007 for my mom & sisters. Friends hear the Voice Post. Reiki Masters on my Level 3 filter can see the class outline Reiki

18. Participate in a Full Moon Hoop Ceremony Reiki July 07

19. Participate in a New Moon Hoop Ceremony Reiki I think this was October. I need to check the dates.

21. Get attuned to Violet Flame Reiki -(October 21, 2006, 1, 2, & Master levels) Reiki

34. Get a paid LJ account - Thank you, simplydorei! Writing

48. Get the kids' room fixed up - Yay to Josh for clearing out the 'junk room'. Home

49. Start a piggy bank for the girls - Eden already had one, and now we have one for Ivy too. Family This one needs repeating already, as we've had to raid the money stash.

55. Take family to IL Check out my IL Trip tag!

70. Pay library fine & return all books that aren't mine - Done once, need to repeat already. Personal Improvement

100. Do the 4T Prosperity Program - (Personal Improvement - started Sept 10, 2006 - Dec 06) 3-month projects

In Progress: 13

3.Learn how to make a compost pile Misc. - Compost pile in progress. We'll see how I fared come Spring.

4. Plant a garden Misc (I have tomatoes so far)

24. Read 101 Books, including 3 from: ...Writing

29. ...Poetry books Writing

32. Complete NaNoWriMo Writing Nov 07, 12,643 words. Completed the month, but didn't win. Room for improvement here.

42. Choose a persona SCA - This one's on hold until I can devote more time & resources, but we have ideas.

47. Get a bed - Thanks to lahermite for the bedframe! Now we just need to upgrade to a King mattress. Home

56. Start a homeschool routine with the girls - Slowly but surely we're integrating more and more Family

57. Offer to braid Josh's hair 3 times - I Family

65. Read the Complete Idiot's Guide to Beating Debt Personal Improvement

83. Bake something to give away at least 6 times - I Love

85. Meditate every day Spirit, Month Long Projects

88. Keep a journal - I keep forgetting to keep up with it. Personal Improvement

I have more exciting goals scheduled to start in the New Year.

Incidental Stuff I'm Pleased With: 11

1. Culled (still culling, actually) mine and the girls' clothes, their toys, my books.

2. Got rid of several boxes of things on Freecycle.

3. Got a new computer

4. Took Josh to the Biltmore House. He may be the only Asheville local who'd never been.

5. In the process of starting my own Reiki School. More on that later.

6. Done several Flash Challenges, though not for six consecutive weeks. :(

7. Made some more new friends via NaNo group and Coffee Meet-Up.

8.Made contact with long-lost, much-missed friend. Even if he disappeared again.

9. Got engaged. :D

10. Exciting new amulet changes. Since I first shared my amulet (also in July, so I can't speak for the whole year), I have gained four new items. Four items also left me for new homes (one of which was one of the new items, another was more of a switcheroo, and only one that I actually knew that it would eventually leave me and who I was holding it for). Four and four. I've mentioned many times that four is my sacred number. Woot!

11. Rejoined Unity's Prayer Chaplain program, after a three year hiatus.

That's it! Hopefully I can stick with it and have even more successes to report next time, probably more often than every six months.

josh, nanowrimo, communities, goals, family, healing, life, marriage, love, reiki, writing, gratitude, unity, 101

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