walking and sights

Jul 13, 2013 22:04

My street doesn't have sidewalks. It's been here for more than 300 years. It's narrow, windy, hilly, and it's the only connection between two sections of town for about a mile in each direction. And the banks are infested with verdant poison ivy. So tractor-trailers use it, SUVs of all makes, motorcycles, and oh yes, cyclists and pedestrians. I've been walking the dog occasionally, so I've found that the vehicles are mostly going slowly enough to see me. I haven't had to leap into the biological moat yet. I don't know what I'd do if the Hood milk truck came through. There's a Stop&Shop about a half mile down the highway - just about in "oh well I need a walk" range. I haven't tried that yet, but I did see a gray-haired gentleman carrying grocery bags past my driveway the other day, so it's not impossible in reasonable weather.

One sight I'd not expected in the antique atmosphere - someone about 5 demi-mansions to the West owns a Tesla. Impressively large and quiet. That's one Uber-car I'd like, sigh. Some car magazine writers were testing one and found it would go something like 150 MPH and cost about 5 cents per run for electricity (I think they missed a decimal point on that one). There are downsides to such a vehicle. A Lexington police car was playing "can you see me? I see you!" on 128 last night - I saw him so he went on, but someone winging around just south of the Burlington Mall exit (in Lexington) didn't.... I don't understand someone ignoring police headlights about 1/4 inch from their rear bumper.
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