Sep 14, 2011 00:20
(I just found out I didn't get any comments because I checked the box for "Date out of order", which resulted to never showing up on Friend's page. Please forgive my now late, yet not really, intro.)
[Right now, it's noon and a denimwear man is walking in the village; a late bird of the new feathers. He had found himself in a forest in the morning with his clothes beside him. He wasn't sure why he was wearing white trunks when his clothes could've been on him instead of beside him. Nevertheless, he gained something to wear when he doesn't have anything else.
He had a journal, but curiosity doesn't come to mind yet. He feels it's going to be necessary though, since it doesn't look very normal.
He also discovered he had wings. He knew because when he put his clothes on, he felt them getting covered by the clothes. It was aching at the time, so he would flinch a bit.
After that bit of trauma, he met a rabbit that could speak. Trauma. Besides that, he would be led to town by the rabbit. When the long-eared forest critter got him into town, suddenly, it wasn't trauma anymore. It's easy to adjust when a small furry animal helps out.
One last summary before the present. He found the Welcome center, where he found a few information he needed. He found it amazing that this town didn't need money to run. No cost, no work, no needs. Everything was free, no exchange of labour for a normal life, and no hunger, thirst and such. It was honestly a heavenly life in his thoughts. He also found out there maybe someone familiar in this world. In other words, he's hoping to meet up with his wife, Kouko. He's even expecting the workers of the electric company, or any other friends.
Somewhere in there, the help centre told him about how the journal works, but in the end, he forgot about it. There was too much information to handle at once anyway.
He stopped walking and is currently at a fountain, seeing no one of familiarity. Again, it's noon and he's got nothing in mind, but 2 things:
1. This world.
2. People he knows. He already seen a few reunions, so he's hopeful.]
What is this world?... Is there some purpose I have here? I was able to talk to a rabbit, so maybe I've gain some sort of power.
No point in wondering right now, I guess. I hope I see someone...
[He was holding the journal in hand, but it didn't catch any attention to him. The journal was closed the whole time, so no one would know of him. Neither he knows of them.]
[canon] clannad,
intro rp