1st job//backdated to Oct. 04//[voice/action]

Oct 11, 2011 19:05

[With a certain person's advice, Yusuke has decided he should give everyone a shout out. It was a nice day out, so you will find him sitting on a bench somewhere around the marketplace in town if you'd rather speak to him in person. He was wearing his usual denim clothes. He's not used to the journal, since he didn't use it much, but here he goes. ( Read more... )

[action], you gotta do whatcha gotta do, luceti, not a workaholic, [voice]

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[voice] /always late sob minimonsterdad October 15 2011, 09:22:02 UTC
Any job is fine? [Really? Truly?]


[voice] ahardwiredheart October 15 2011, 13:48:41 UTC
Is there really any need for an electrician here?


[voice] minimonsterdad October 15 2011, 23:33:16 UTC
Ah, is that what you meant? [Should've said so in the first place!]

I've never heard of anyone needing that kind of help around here since everything fixes itself automatically. Tough luck.


[voice] ahardwiredheart October 17 2011, 21:36:12 UTC
[This kid. Just. This kid.]

I was hoping for a suggestion. Any job will do as long as it eats a bit of time.

[Hopefully not one that requires a lot of reading.]


[voice] minimonsterdad October 18 2011, 08:59:43 UTC

[You wouldn't have to read a lick of text.]


[voice] ahardwiredheart October 18 2011, 21:22:03 UTC
Landscaping? ... Well it will occupy my time at least. Might as well give it a try.

[Is there even an employer?]


[voice] minimonsterdad October 19 2011, 17:07:45 UTC
[... Really?] Some people here have personal plants and gardens, so you'll have to watch out for them.



[voice] ahardwiredheart October 19 2011, 17:17:48 UTC
[He will thank you for wasting his time with a nice knuckle sandwich if he ever finds you. It's clearly what he wanted.]

I wasn't really planning to go near those, but where are these personal gardens?

[He's going to want to know just in case.]


[voice/written] minimonsterdad October 20 2011, 20:40:03 UTC
[wow guy are you a child hater too, that is no bueno]

Let's see... They should be fairly obvious if you look at them. [With a map from Nami as a reference, he begins to draw a rough map in his journal for Yusuke's sake. Since Loki tends to roam around in his daily walks, he has a good memory for where the visible gardens are. He marks each one like so, give or take a few locations.]

There's one area I'd highly advise you avoid, and that's Community House 4. There's a demon around there who gets touchy about her flowers.


[voice] ahardwiredheart October 22 2011, 05:21:39 UTC

The kid drew a map for him. Wow. He honestly didn't expect that. Surely, he'll have to merit this kid a bit.]

Oh... I'll take your word for it. Thanks.

[He wonders if the kid just misunderstood the lady, or if she's an actual demon.
So now he's curious about this kid. It almost seems like he's been around.]

So what do you do with your free time?


[voice] minimonsterdad October 22 2011, 21:34:04 UTC
[There is a predator who likes to punch children lurking around Luceti. His name begins with an "E" and ends in "lliot Nightray".]

Me? I like to take long walks around the village and curl up next to the fire with a good book. If you want, you can join me, and we'll walk the family dog, just you and I together. [Wink.]


[voice] ahardwiredheart October 22 2011, 23:27:22 UTC
[Lots of nice people around.

Books. Oh my God.]

Books... I don't understand why some people like them, but everyone has a different hobby.

[Man does he miss the old days sometimes; especially with all this free time.
And yes he ignored your offer.]


[voice] minimonsterdad October 24 2011, 07:16:43 UTC
[It's okay, he didn't mean it anyway.]

Is there a problem with books? I won't force you to read them, but I might have to question you if you dislike them as a whole.


[voice] ahardwiredheart October 24 2011, 17:04:26 UTC
(OOC: Say, how do you edit your comment? I get tired of always having to delete and repost.)

Well I just don't like reading. I wasn't exactly much of a student, so that's one reason.


[voice] minimonsterdad October 25 2011, 21:38:48 UTC
(( OOC: You'll need a paid account or paid trial for that, pff. Until then, you can only delete and repost. :') ))

Hmm? That's too bad. [The education system can't appeal itself to everyone, he guesses.] I hope you had something else to occupy your time with, if it wasn't schoolwork. You can't let your youth go to waste.


[voice] ahardwiredheart October 27 2011, 19:29:01 UTC
(OOC: ... Still not worth it.)

[When he heard that last sentence, he couldn't help but let out a chuckle.]

Heh... Of course. You wouldn't believe the youthful life I had.

[Some of it he regrets, but life goes on.]


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