ein schrei aus stein von Werner Herzog (a scream of stone)

Jan 07, 2011 16:16

Sick today...
I just finished watching A Scream of Stone by WH....
it brought up a lot of thoughts...mainly the banalization of everything around us...mountain climbing...
it used to be the epitome of a man's battle against nature and against himself
but it became just something else to be first in, to be measured and classified and stuck in the record books...no longer an achievement or a man's goal and life's work...just another wikipedia article...

is that really what's going to happen to everything? Nothing will be sacred or kept for secret anymore...everything will be shared...people will be practicing somersaults in interminable ovals to see who will be the first to somersault around the earth...or walk around a for a week with a glass of milk precariously balanced on their heads...I can see it now... a bunch of glasses of milk half filled in a horse race with twitter's servers about who just beat who by two seconds...electrons lighting up a screen to keep everybody distracted...
is the Internet just becoming another gladiator's arena under the guise of helping humanity while castrating us all to limit our risk?
what's life's explosive crystallization...a couple seconds in months of waiting if everything is accessible with all possibility of failure eliminated...
do I really want to be in such a world...
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