in responce to a friend's lack of experience.

Nov 08, 2004 15:21

this message is only to those that need it:

"I want to vote for someone...and that's not Kerry or Bush or Nader."

Well aside from the other like 20 people that ran for president...fuck tool, you write one in, or run yourself...but then you didn't get up and move to find out you could do that did you? No you didn't, and why not? Laziness, selfishness, apathy, ignorance, too busy...which one of those seems like a firm answer, a good one you'd stand up for?

Those of you that are morons about what seems to be pretty much everything these days, do the smarter of us a favor and join the club. Get a clue how a free market economy and democracy ACTUALLY do or do not function and why. Seriously, the ignorance you spew only makes you look stupid to those of us that ACTUALLY know what we are talking about, whom actually bothered to research the topic/event, whom have the intelligent means to produce and positively progress from the knowledge. We scoff for a reason, not because we are arrogant, but because we are enlightened. You ARE incorrect, misguided, or simply bemused, but you are not speaking progress, you do not wax positivist. We DO know better, we know that you do not, that is why we dislike you, that is why we try to control you, to keep you stupid and subordinate...and so far you are letting us! Get off your benighted flabby ass and you might realize all the nay saying is pure worthless and that your words commenced to actions induce results. If you assume your theory is logical, then implement it and succeed to prove it, or fail and move on to learn from it. Otherwise shut the hell up and/or die, because to us economists you are only worth the economic weight of your potential future monetary expenditures, and to us artists you are a frustrating annoyance sucking the charisma from society. STOP the stagnation of humanity, STOP the moving of humans in the wrong direction damn it, fucking get in the way, think, write, help someone, get up and out, do something positive!!

Wake up mass ignorant majority, I am tired of busting my ass at school/work everyday so I can NOT have any intelligent conversations or fulfilling relationships. I am not going to school to become even more of an outsider uncomfortably looking into society as if I was not part of it, but rather I go to grow and become more myself and/or what I want to be. Why do you go? Have you ever thought about it?

I want us all to participate as equals and respectable entities of positive worth. Where are the smart active peoples obviously isn't Arlington yes for that stupid ass stadium deal, DAMN IT anyone with ANY business sense (or any sense at all!) can see what a screw job that deal is for the public and the city residence, not to mention ummm, we have THREE previously failed ventures to base skepticism from (6 flags, wetnwild, the ball park in Arlington) and being fed the same exactly lies, you voted yes...again. all I can do is slap my forehead, you are just fools fools fools. We must learn more. We must do more. You must learn more. You must do more.

"When America Falls the world will fall with her." oh god, what a total farce (knock on wood). Let me just start out by saying any business/government/social scientist etc would be able to tell you that collapsing the infrastructure of the USA would be one great god damn hell of a venture! It isn't going to happen...that is if you have not already stopped reading this...

In the theme of that type of failing/shutdown of the USA government as we know it will harm much, but not what you probably would like to think. The US is not as important as it used to be...our basis/structure has changed, we now consume and serve rather than produce and manufacture. The majority of the world will be just like it is now. The world has progressively weaned from US reliance for the past 30 years and is furthering separations exponentially due to this wonderfully globally envisioned Bush administration we've had (hopefully HAD that is).

Have a look at the EU (that is European union guys), if you at all know anything about it and how it is setup, you'd know it works quit independent of the USA and frankly counter to it (see the steel tariffs issue earlier in the Bush admin, also gen crops, strict quality control, and their use of the WTO) The EU has near free health care, strict business and anti trust regulations (see Microsoft anti trust case this year, also the merger of GE and Honeywell that was canned), the lowest teen pregnancy rate in the world, lower divorce rates (though marriage is down also), higher literacy (98n Norway, and 3 in 5 people have cell phones), higher voter participation...the list goes on, but what the heart of the matter is, the EU is quite similar to the way the USA was planned, only they saw our errors and corrected the majority of them, so why don't we admit them and solve them? why is change so desirable but actions so difficult? the newly formed African union, China, Russia, India, Vietnam, these are just a FEW places that recently have shown great strides in social progress right in the face of the USA for the first time in history attempting to withdraw rights AWAY from citizens (gay marriage), the USA failing job markets (highest corporate lay off numbers ever the past two months) and shady business deals (enron/haliberton/arther anderson), lacking consumer confidence, cars that get 14 mpg, the terrorist war and all the debates inside that...the EU will be fine without the USA, and so would the rest of the world. But again, failure is not going to happen, there are far too many resources and safeguards here, or better yet, if we do not allow it.

The stupidity escapes me...come on folks, if you are going to mooch from your parents or the government you don't understand and probably do not participate in, at least fucking learn something from those books to the hours of class you are skipping. Shit turn your fucking endlessly on Television or radio to the BBC or CSPAN if just for a few moments. If you are one of those so worried about how you look...well personality "looks" also. Stupidity doesn't show up in the mirror my friend, only in the company of others. Learn so you do not look stupid, learn so to be happier, learn so to be better for others, learn so as not to be the sheep I've mastered and will continue to master as I progress myself even further above the masses. I'm tired of your scenes, your TV shows, your cloths, your drama, your makeup, your foolish games and ploys, your self-centered actions and thoughts, none of the above have any real worth. Die and what you are is all what you take with.

It is a blessing being in this nation. People died younger than you are right now so I can type this big Internet rant. They gave up love, money, laughter. Every time you're depressed think about the pain of the guy that took machine gun fire to the chest, suffered burned alive in mortar debris, or even worse. He/she gave up everything earthly, would you? what about that starving family that cannot manage due to selfishness of a corupt few. Your attitude would change significantly if like some of us you had to skip breakfast not because you woke up late, but because your kitchen (if you even have one) is empty.

So not just marketing rhetoric, it is time that :quality: became a word again, it is time you learned what work, responsibility, discipline, and progress are. It is time you stand up and meet your potential. It is time you show your appreciation for what you have and have been given!!! It is time that society moved from a slow mass of negatively controlled careless slippage back to the courageous entrepreneurs and noblemen that human kind was/is/can be. It's time we all did some good; it is time that "saint" is no more just a name for catholic churches.

Humans have the ability to do anything we want and we have proven it time and time again. Had you gone to your history, government, or even your freshman intro to psychology class ever, you'd know that.

I'm always a fool, save for when I stand next to doesn't have to be so. All in all I'm tired of using the things I learn and know to manipulate you. I do not want control, I want equals.

I look forward to your assistance beside me in the US Congress in 2020. We will make this our mission, we will make this our glory, we will make this our good, and we will make this for everyone.

Your Fellow,
kent e. bodily

“Everyone spends so much time looking for the one, rather than being the one.”
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