Mar 10, 2005 13:53
Well all, the time has once again come for me to bid you adieu. The office called the other day and told me to report to work today..but it got changed to Monday morning. Copious amounts of laundry are being done along with the boat stuff that I constantly have. But my laundry woes dont nearly stack up to miss_j_bean's volumonous masses. For a tiny little girl she has butt loads of clothes. I cant really call her a clothes horse per se. But she seems like she enjoys them almost as much as she does her shoe fettish.
I kinda enjoyed my time home. Alot of it was boring and depressing but I did have some fun. I just wish that I could have had more to do and someone to share it all with. I will miss the-shoveler and his madden fettish and puddin (BTW your mom has her papers now). Lisa your wierdness truly endears me to you my punkin. Will, you know your the funniest man I have had the pleasure of knowing (bob haller comes up in a close second tho).
I finally tracked down the cleaning lady, she has been lazy all winter. But she is gonna do a thourough cleaning when I am gone. I hate dishes!
Love and lost are things that go hand in hand. So I must be holding my own.