Jan 22, 2009 16:24
i'm so pumped break is almost over for the sole fact that i have four months til i graduate! but i don't wanna go back to dartmouth. i'm terrified to graduate. i have to grow up and that's sort of terrifying. but six classes, three jobs and one or two internships in a couple months til i'm free sort of blows. i guess i should stop being such a pussy about it haha
in other news, i've seen a ridiculous amount of movies lately. gran torino and revolutionary road were both awesomeeee. i highly recommend em both. i also can't decide what to do with my hair. it's almost to my shoulder, but i don't know if i should cut it or have long hair for once in my life?
this update is super pointless, but it's nice to not really have anything huge to worry about. oh ps, my dad is officially cancer free :) :)
bye !