Dec 10, 2004 15:33
it so doesnt feel like friday to me. but it is. we got out at 2 today thanks to speech and debate. =) but i left the building at a horrible time and ended up waiting 20 MINUTES in the parking lot! it got reallllyy annoying after about 3 minutes. anyways so its friday, and oceans twelve is out!!! im thinking about fandango-ing some tickets right now so i will be obliged to go tonight. did i spell 12 right? twelve? it looks really funny. hmm i dont know! but i am having the worst side swept bang day ever if you can imagine!
i had to give this speech today which i was totally unprepared for so i just wrote it all out on notecards and read them...i made an ass of myself! and i couldnt figure out how to pronounce controversial. first i was like controvershial then i was like no controversial and some other forms but my class just laughed at one knew the answer either. i just sold this girl some marijuana and it was clearly ten dollars worth, maybe even a little more, and anyone from experience would know this. but she looked at it and was like uh this is 10 dollars my boyfriend says its not. and i was like please come back once youve smoked/bought pot more than 3 times. like seriously her and her stupid little boyfriend whom i want to strangle just started smoking like literally last weekend. so do NOT you dare tell me i dont know what im doing because im pretty sure i have about 4 years under my belt. lol under my belt that just sounds so goofy.
i really want to go to fridays for dinner tonight but i have a feeling either mutter will tell me i need to stay home and eat something frozen or garrett will tell me we cant eat there because it might leave him a few dollars short. liar.
lol anyways my friend tommy birch well okay he graduated from dowling the year i was a freshman whatever that was and he was like mr popular who drank all the time and well still does so a lot of people know/remember him you know?k well he writes for the dsm register but since he just started he writes high school sports mk. okay now this girl who is a TOTAL FUCKING BITCH of a sophmore at valley and manipulates people into being her friend by making them deathly afraid of her...well get this... SHE CARRIES AROUND ALL OF HIS ARTICLES!!!! yes, she cuts them out of the paper when she sees them and carries them around in her wallet!! why are people so lame? too bad tommy thinks shes a bitter whore too. so sad!
anyways, i really cant stand that girl, i get pissed whenever i think about her. ewww. im really bored and i dont know what to do with my time right now lol. theres always homework but please...oh! i have something to do! im going to shower and to garebears!! catch ya