It's time tae burst th' bravest lain in th' warld.

Aug 24, 2012 21:01

Awrite, mah brammer friends!

Ah ken 'at Ah shoods teel ye a story, but a rial story waits fur me. Ah am gettin' a real freedom noo. Coz A body ay th' most bonnie piece ay lain oan th' earth is callin'.

Mah dreams ur comin' true. Ah am tae be back pretty suin. But when Ah am back Ah will hae bin changed forever. Coz Scootlund changes a' fowk ance an' fur aw.

Och aye! Ah fill as a lassie reit noo fa is enterin' a fairy tale. Fairy tale ay real green hills an' glens, rocks an' lochs. Thes is a lain ay amazin' fowk wi' coorageoos names. Isnae it excitin'?

Gonnie nae be naughty withit me!

See ye in September!
Ah loove ye aw.
Aw th' best, Ahleen.


golden_key, scotland, perfect strangers, uk

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