For those of my friends who still remember me, hiii. For those who don't, hey I'm Tony! Nice to remeet you guys haha. I first started this blog when I was 18 and on this coming Monday it will be my birthday and I will be 23. Damn! A Lot of shit has happened since I stopped using LJ. My interests went elsewhere. Dailybooth, Twitter, tumblr, Facebook. But if you guys want to keep up with me. See how my life is like now. Add me on the following sites so we can keep up with each other. I miss making graphics and mainting my community and all my old friends who got me through the shit that I was going through being a fresh adult into the world. Hope life has been good for everyone!
Facebook Twitter
Instagram : tonydezz
Tumblr : tonydezz (NSFW) I post a lot of gay porn, pokemon, drag queens, music, and beefy big butt bears :)
YouTube: tonydezz
Also I know my bday is coming up and I didn't want any of my friends to go and waste money buying me a paid account or bday stickers for my profile. If you would like to give me a present, follow me on those sites! I wanna reconnect with you guys!!!
If you DO wanna give me something like a present or whatever. You can always mail me something and I'll give you my address. Just message me on Facebook. Or you can donate any kind of $$ to my paypal account to help with bills and stuff. Paypal email is
Hope I get a lot of reqeusts to follow from you guys!!!