Instead of events, I'm going to state my goals and outlooks today, a renewal of viewpoint as it were.
1) I'm going to try to reframe everything to the positive, without going into denial. Weighing the plus and minus of all situations, especially the difficult and challenging, I'll be able to embrace opportunities more easily.
2) I'm going to try to reframe every person in my sphere more positively or let them go (that includes myself). I'd said to someone last winter, I believe we have the people in our lives we do to help polish down our edges, and I believe that. It's easy to fall into a trap of "blaming" others or letting someone else take the responsibility of negatives in our lives. Man, I think I'm running out of time, I probably only have another good fifty, sixty years. Something to think on.
3)I want to apply myself more heartily to my work-- I don't know if I have what it takes (hell, I don't even know what that means, lol), but I've spent a lot of my time worrying if I'm good enough. At this point, I can't seem to stop, it's compulsive with me. So I either need to find a way to let the unease reside with me, or realize it's a false premise. I loved Bonnie Spiegel, but I don't want her assertion that I'd never amount to anything because I don't push myself to be one of my questions of my life.
4) I must delegate more. You know over the last few years I've been terribly inconvenienced by people, and yet often I don't ask for the help I need or think I deserve (hmmmmm, passive aggressive anger, anyone?). I do believe we are better people when we have the opportunity to give--giving IS a gift to the giver. You know you matter, you can see the result of what you've wrought and your connections become stronger. I should give that more often.
5)SCHEDULE. It's a difficult thing as a self motivating person. If you're a wife and/or mother, it's easy to let other people's schedules, wants, needs to become more important than your own. People say it's important, because it's true. Any given day I have a half a dozen "me" projects I ignore (and feel horrible about) because, I'm the allmighty poop-picker-upper, find-that-disgusting-smell-and-clean-it upper. Somewhere in there, I have to start scheduling my WORK. I must convert my vegging out time into time to break out a piece of paper and hopefully not break the pencil time.
And now for the rough. This is a brush drawing. Hope to submit it to the Bulletin and for my PictureBook online portfolio. The frog needs to be a tad(pole) smaller, to the right and not have a rock coming out of his butt. Still this sprung Minerva-like, and I like it mostly. Doesn't sucketh. Opinions of others are welcomed (and huh, even though I did this from memory, I was amazed at how accurate the froggie was and how the child looks like my second, soon-to-be eleven year old daughter. HHHHHHmmmmmmmmmm, yet again....