The winds of change

Oct 22, 2007 22:10

Wow. So long since my last post. All's good, alive, working, happy, van still not done. Status Quo really.

It's no secret that I've been looking at the housing market for a little while; all the rental squeeze, rising prices crap that's going around.
Yep, crap. You heard me say it.
And I think I have found the reason for it. The crap that is.
In the "olden days" we found things through the papers, walking around and visiting agents, and word of mouth. Internet advertising was VERY rare.
That's all too hard today. Too hard to do, and too hard to research.

Today it's all about the internet, anything not there isn't worth looking at. And because people are so lazy, that's all they look at, both hunters of places to live and the figures that support the media stop at the internet.

Case in point. Try finding a big two bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1 car space residence in Newtown. Make it brand new.
Domain gives us 5. One is fully furnished so we forget that.
$470, $520, $550, $610pw.
And for every single one you'll get 20 - 50 people looking at them in the 15 minutes allotted.

Ignore the internet and read the paper. You'll remember that paper thing. Same thing to look for, 2 bed, 2 bath, 1 car, air cond, Brand New.
$440pw and only one person turned up to look at it. Yup. ONE person. And they got it. They even said they couldn't move in for 2 weeks and the owner was happy with that and so was the estate agent.

What the?!?!

Now to see if that holds for places for sale.
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