Health Insurance

May 19, 2010 22:30

My mom is trying to find affordable health insurance for her.  Now, she is on my dad’s plan from his work and they pay way too much for two of them.  So, my mom has been receiving a lot of ads about affordable insurance and called one of the numbers.  One woman came over today to talk to my mom about the various health insurance plans.  It looked too good to be true and it really was not as good as it looked at first.

Luckily, my mom will qualify for Medicare starting in July, so to get the insurance that this woman was showing us, my mom has to sign up for social security, Medicare Plan A and Plan B that you need to pay around $110 a month plus you could get one of those deals as plan C and D and E and F and etc.....

There is a catch, those deals are all separate.  One deal to pay for doctor visits, emergency, hospital, and some lab work, the other deal is only covering medication, the other deal covers only dental.  Once you add all of that it comes to a considerate sum to pay monthly.  Well, less then my parents pay now but still pretty high.

My mom will sign up for Medica plan.  They have this rule that one can change level of coverage at any time.  For example, she can take the medium priced plan that covers a lot but there are some co-pays and some fees.  If something happens and she needs better coverage, she can change it to the more expensive one that covers most of the expenses.  Once she gets better, she can change back to the cheaper plan.  This also sounds too good to be true.  I would need to do some investigation about that statement though.

I also asked this woman about the plans for individuals who don’t qualify for Medicare yet.  She told me that most of the plans would involve very high monthly fees plus approximately $3000 deductible before insurance would kick in.  Those are extreme reap-off plans!

I am so glad that I have a pretty good insurance through my work and I don’t need to deal with this reap off system on my own.  I wish I could've added my mom to my plan.

health, mama & papa

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