What is purpose of human life?

Jan 29, 2010 00:57

I was listening to Rav. Asher Kushnir’s lectures about purpose and meaning of human life.  He is so funny, he is better than Zhvanetsky!  His lectures are in Russian.

He started the lecture by saying that car's purpose is to drive, refrigerator to cool, so, what is the purpose of humans?

As humans, we need to have meaning in our lives.  Asher Kushnir gave an example of Viktor Frankl's experience in the Nazi concentration camps and his work's philosophical conclusion.  It was scientifically concluded that  people who had no meaning in their life were getting sick and died, and those who had meaning - lived through all the chances of staying alive.

Asher Kushnir raised a lot of questions and made a lot of comments that are very important to understand before getting to the straight answers and to what I will write in the next paragraph.  However, I will skip all that stuff now and go straight for the answer.  Caution!!! The answer is not for everyone!

The main idea, as explained by the Jewish sages, is we live to turn material into spiritual.  It means that throughout life we have to work on ourselves to become better persons and grow spiritually.  We are given choices and tests that we need to go through.  Of course, Torah is a manual on how to do it, even though many do not want to accept it.

When we are born, we are born naked, when we die, we can’t take any material with us.  All material dies, disappears forever, from dust to dust, however spirit lives forever and connects with the creator.  (Discussing life after death is too radical for me now, maybe some day I will grow into the concept).

I will think about this information and try to transfer this information into something more practical, especially for the clients and of course for myself.

What is purpose of my life?  I guess, for now to raise my kids, to learn, to help, to grow and to help others around me grow!

Do we want to kill time? Or do we want to use time meaningfully? Think about it!!!

g-d's miracles, philosophy

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