Day 41 of the war :(

Apr 05, 2022 10:37

I am not crying as much as I did for the first 30 days, however, now, every time someone asks me, " where are you from?" I start answering and tears come to my eyes.

Last week, I got my new car that I ordered in November. At the dealership, people kept asking us where we were from. Boris said that he is from Moscow, I said I am from Kiev (getting tears in my eyes)... I am happy to get my car but all happiness is dark coated...

Well, our life continues and isn't much different in reality accept my brain is so impacted by what is happening in Ukraine! Everyday horrors, news, loses...

I can't even comprehend people's lives there... even if it is quieter in Kiev, how do you live with fear that a bomb can drop on your house any time...

Watching the images from Bucha, from Chernigov, Mariupol and other areas is just horrific... Listening to the news from rusia (on purpuse, small with one s), makes me so angry!!! How can they continue lying like this???

In my imagination, putler seats on his throne watching the show and laughing from entertainment: "Hahaha, how stupid these people are, they will say what I tell them to say, they will do what I tell them to do... and will do things that are not asked for but entertaining..."

It is just sickening... It is a torture, to be here, see all this horror and not being able to do much about it to stop it!!!

It is even harder to see people who believe the lies of putler news :( and claiming that everything is fake... It would be great if it was fake... but unfortunately, it is true and horrible...

I pray to G-d to stop this bloodshed and destruction!

rusian soldiers!!! Get the fuck out of UKRAINE!!!

death, gloom, war, ukraine, emotions/feelings, truthful with yourself, world news, my life

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