Hanukah Weekend

Dec 06, 2010 23:10

On Thanksgiving Boris made smoked fish on the grill/smoker outside and it turned out to be very delicious.  So, he decided to find a reason to call all of our friends over the next weekend.  So, he did.  He announced it as a celebration of his return to the big sport  after surgery and since it was Hanukah, we also lit candles when everyone came over and I made latkes and of course a lot of other food.  We were cooking all day long.  Michelle didn't like that and she was extremely cranky and did a lot of little troubles adding more work to my already busy day.
She started acting out during breakfast.  Boris gave her cereal with milk and she turned the bowl on her head.  We had sweet milk with cereal all over her and all over the kitchen floor and table and her high chair.  I had to wash floor, high chair clothe, Michelle and her closing.  I was not happy about that.  Then she kept running into the bathroom and before she would do anything there we would catch her.  I had to watch out for her leaving my sight because she was determined to do trouble.  We caught her before she took all of the candles from the box, then she tried to take the table cloth off from the dining table that Boris and Michael served with dishes  I was super irritated and tired and a lot of work was still ahead.

When guests started to arrive, I was still making latkes and no food was on the table yet.  Girls helped out serve the food and fry latkes on two pans. I was happy to see everyone.  We had no clue how many people would come.  Some people told us that they can't but everyone else we weren't sure.  At the end it was 16 adults and 14 kids.  One couple managed to come without kids or with 1/2 a kid :)

It was a fun party only I felt like I didn't get to spend much time with everyone, I kept running from the kitchen to the dining room to the kitchen, upstairs with Michelle and other kids.  I was really thinking that next time we do such party, I would need to hire help serving and cleaning after the party.

Michelle didn't go to bed until 1am.  I was super tired and I started not feeling well.  My throat was hurting a lot.  In the morning it was even worse, I couldn't even talk.  Mishka came over at about 6 am complaining that he got sore throat too and then Michelle woke up at about 7am.  All 4 of us were trying to sleep in our bed.  I am glad we got king size bed when I was pregnant with Michelle (anticipating such occurrences)!

I let Mishka stay home and not go to the religious school on Sunday.  We stayed home.  Boris' parents didn't come over on Friday because of the snow storm, they missed us and decided to come visit us on Sunday, so I also called my parents.  So, we continued the party with relatives.  I made latkes and chicken matzo ball soup and we had a lot of other delicious food.

I was exhausted and not feeling well and Mishka was very pale and refused to eat or drink.  He did not have fever, only complained that his throat hurts.  It did look red.  I had a fever in the evening.  I called Mishka's school and my work and left messages that we will be staying home.

Today, we didn't rush to get up.  Michelle woke up at about 7am as usually but stayed in bed with us another hour.  Mishka stayed in his bed almost all day.  I took Michelle to the daycare, made a few phone calls for my parents and came home.  At home, I tried to make Mishka eat or drink something and he didn't want anything.  I was really upset about it.  The house is a mess, I tried to ignore it as much as I could.  I did a lot of stuff that I didn't have time over the weekend and I was busy all day.  By about 4pm I decided that I need to get some sleep.  I didn't sleep much though.  My parents suggested to keep Michelle overnight, so we didn't have to come pick her up.

Finally, I made Mishka drink chicken soup.  He was not talking all day!!!  At the end of the day I told him that I actually like it when he is quite and not talking.  Then when I started asking him questions, he got paper and pen and started writing to me!!! I was impressed!!! He made only one mistake in one word out of the 3 sentences that he wrote!!!

I called my friends in Germany, they had a lot of problems, I ended up doing a counseling session over skype.  I got a headache from this communication and my throat was hurting even more.

I checked my work e-mail and my schedule and feel overwhelmed by my schedule and all of the clients who had to reschedule.  I am still having hard time talking and not sure if I should stay home or go to work tomorrow.

health, holidays, kids, guests, my life, michelle, michael

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