Sunday adventures, weekend continues…

Jun 28, 2010 12:22

On Sunday, Michelle let me sleep until almost 8am.  Michael was not feeling well and I tried to feed him some breakfast in his bed.  He looked pale and his eyes were very sad (poor boy).  I kept asking him several times if he would want to go to the cirque at 1pm or stay home.  He really wanted to see the show and tried to eat and drink as much as he could (wasn’t much though).

In the morning we watched Soccer world cup game.  Germany was playing against England.  The game was exciting.  Boris bid on Germany and he was very happy that they won 4:1.  After the game we got ready and went over my parents before the show.

My mom was supposed to come to the Cirque with us but because she was not feeling well, she gave up her ticket and luckily Alina’s friend bought it.

We were supposed to meet with Alina, Tony and Lenya at my mom’s house at noon.  Initially, I thought that we would take one car.  However, as I saw Michael not feeling well, I anticipated that there might be a possibility that he will ask me to take him home before the show was over. So, we drove in separate cars.

We came over my mom’s house to drop Michelle who was supposed to start napping and go to the cirque.  I was planning to go earlier and try to park for free on the streets.  Once we drove into downtown area, streets were blocked and several streets with meters didn’t allow to park because of the Pride parade.  We ended up parking at the parking ramp somewhat far away from the Target Center.

I was concerned that Michael wouldn’t have energy to walk that far, but I guess medication started working and he said that he was feeling well.  So, we started walking fast to meet with our friends before the show.  We walked on the skyways and passed new Target Twins Field that was on the left hand side and Target Center on the right in between was the skyway with parking ramps.  Michael was very excited to be so close to the stadium and can’t wait until Boris will get him tickets to see Twins game there.

Finally, we made it to the doors into the Target Center.  At the doors were standing security people checking people’s purses and pockets.  As security guard opened my purse, the first thing he saw was my camera.  He immediately told me to go back to the car and drop the camera there.

I always carry that little camera in my purse and totally forgot about it.  I bagged him to let us in and that I promise that camera would stay in my purse at all times.  He did not let me in anyway.  I was upset but we started running back to the car.  It was already 12:50pm and show was supposed to start at 1pm.  As we were running I kept asking Michael if he was feeling OK.  He kept telling me that yes, he is OK.

It was about 5 blocks run one way and 5 block run the other way.  We made it back to the Cirque almost on time, she show just started.  We walked into the dark seating area and got seats that were the closest to us.

We enjoyed the show, Michael liked it very much.  During the intermission we met t.Nadya with her grandkids and finally connected with Alina and Co.  We noticed that there were a lot of free seats closer to the stage and we decided to move there.  I got Michael popcorn and drink as he asked me.  I was happy to get him anything, so he would eat and drink something.

As we set down on the lower level I realized that we left Michaels cap on our seats on the upper level.  So, I told him that I will be right back.  I ran really fast to the top level to get his cap and the show begun.  By the time I got back to the lower level, it was so dark, I couldn’t see anything and I couldn’t find where they all were seating.  I was panicking.  I lost my sick boy!  I kept walking between the rows looking at people and absolutely couldn’t find them.  The show was going on and I was not looking on the stage but was looking in between the dark rows trying to see where my friends and my son is.

At one point I realized that after the show will be over, I will be able to locate them.  So, I tried to calm down and relax watching the second half of the show.  I was even thinking about going and talking to the security.

Luckily, second half of the show was very short.  As soon as they gave more light, I started looking for them and still couldn’t find.  I called Alina’s cell phone and she finally called me.  I was so happy to hear from her.  I was not totally lost!  She told me that they are getting up to the section 103 and I found that I was looking on the wrong side, that’s why I couldn’t find them.  Finally we reunited!  Michael said that he worried a little but was watching the show and enjoyed it.  I was glad that we were together again with all of the friends and things.

It took a while until we left Target Center because everyone wanted to stop at the restroom before driving and there were huge lines of course.  We had to go back to that parking ramp again.  The good thing, we already knew how to get there for sure.  Also, it was only 5$ charge unlike the closest ramps.

Michael asked me to give him a dollar so he would get some pop.  I agreed because I wanted him to drink anything.  He enjoyed the process of using his dollar at the wending machines.  One machine didn’t work and gave him back quarters, the other machine asked for more then a dollar, so we had to find another machine and finally he got Coca-Cola that fell very loudly into the wending machine dispenser.  He was so happy!

We drove back to my parents’ house.  Michelle was still sleeping.  Michael started to feel worse again.  My mom tried to feed him and gave him medication again.  He went to lie down in bed.

It was almost time to get ready for the other show at 6pm.  I called Boris and asked him to come over and take care of the kids.  Michelle finally woke up and we all had a quick dinner while watching Russian TV.  They showed a concert from Moscow’s Graduation Ball for all students who got gold and silver medals in all Moscow high schools.

Michael was sleeping and started to have a nightmare.  I calmed him down, gave some water to drink and he went back to bed.  I felt guilty that I planned to go to the show while he is sick.  He fell asleep and Boris took Michelle to the backyard to play, so she wouldn’t wake up her sick brother.

Finally, we went over to the theater with my mom and dad.  There were as usually a lot of Russian people that we knew.  We were warned that the air conditioner at the theater is broken and artists were willing to give refunds if someone didn’t want to watch the show in a hot and not well ventilated theater.  Nevertheless, the auditorium was pretty full.

The show was great.  I loved the music, singing and acting.  _milashka and igagosha were great!!!  The funniest part was when Krechinsky (igagosha ) came on stage and said that it is very cold while it was pretty hot in the theater and everyone knew about no air conditioner on this hot day.  The whole theater started laughing.

My dad (bgalperin ) during the intermission realized that he didn’t get flowers for the performers.  So, he missed the whole second act but heroically got two bouquets of flowers.  As we were walking back to the car, I realized that I was at the teater with mom and dad just like when I was little.  I even took their hands and imagined to be a little girl accompanied by her parents.  It felt good!

When we got home, Michael was sleeping and Michelle was eating wild raspberries with Boris outside the house.  When Michael heard us, he woke up and asked for food.  I made him noodle soup as asked and then we went home.  It was 9pm.  I put Michael to bed and then Michelle.  I was exhausted and worried about Michael.  I hope he will start feeling better today.  There are so many kids are sick right now with the same symptoms and doctors just say that it is a virus that will go away.  My poor boy! I hope he feels a lot better today and fever would go down.  He really wants to go to camp and to the soccer.

concerts shows plays, health, mama & papa, weekend, my life, michael

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