Something planned and something unplanned

Jun 28, 2010 12:11


On Saturday, I was planning to get rest.  It is my day to sleep-in while Boris takes care of the kids.  So, while I was sleeping, Boris invited my parents over for dinner.  Then Michael invited other grandparents for dinner and my parents don’t dine without their friends t.Nadya and d.Tolya.  So, when I woke up, I was told that we are going to have guests for dinner at 4pm.

I love these guests, but it was somewhat unexpected.  I started cooking, cleaning, sent Boris shopping, took care of the kids: sick Michael and overly happy Michelle who wanted to “help” me cook.  At about 4:20pm my dad called and said that my mom is not feeling well and they are not going to come.  I was worried about my mom and was upset that they are not coming.  This whole dinner was done mainly for my parents and they weren’t going to come.

At about 4:30 came t.Nadya and d.Tolya.  They found that my parents are not coming, so they just brought some salads and wanted to leave.  I tried to talk them into staying, so in about 10 minutes they agreed and t. Tolya got out of the car.  The main attraction that made him stay was he noticed wild sour cherry (вишня) full of red cherries next to our house (Boris planted when we moved into our house).  D. Tolya said that he has never seen this type of cherries in over 18 years that he has lived in USA.

Then we figured out that Boris told my parents and t.Nadya and d. Tolya to come over at 4pm because my parents are always an hour late and he told his parents, who are always on time, to come at 5pm.  So, I was hoping that we would eat dinner at 5pm and then go for a walk, come back and have desert.

At 5pm we were surprised that Boris’ parents were not there yet.  We called and they were still at home making some salad.  They thought that my parents are always an hour late, so they would come late too.  Then we got a phone call from my dad that he is coming without my mom.  My mom just wanted to get some sleep, rest, peace, and quite.

Anyway, we got to eat dinner at almost 7pm .  Boris grilled yummy fish, chicken, beef, portabella mushrooms, and corn.  The food was good and we had a lot of it on the table.  It was kind of sad to have dinner knowing that my mom is not feeling well and home alone.  So, my dad ate and went home.

Michael, I gave him tylonol, so he would feel better while guests were here, was truly trying to help me with the party.  He showed an initiative and started cleaning dining table and bringing in deserts and cups for the tea.  I was planning to leave dirty dishes on the dining table and have desert in the living room.  My plan was overthrown, and some guests started bringing all the leftover food and dirty dishes to the kitchen.  So, I started cleaning, sorting, storing, washing, serving, managing, boiling… you get the picture, multi tasking as usually.

By the time we served the table for the tea and desert, my dad called and said that he is coming back with my mom and that I shouldn’t tell anyone about it.  Finally, they arrived and the party got much lighter with my mom present.  They brought crosswords with them and we tried to steer my dad, Bella and t. Nadya from having loud arguments about politics (my mom hates that).

As we were enjoying deserts, it started raining and storming again with loud thunder and bright lightning.  Michael was not feeling well, so he asked me to put him in bed.  I gave him tylonol and he went to sleep.  In about an hour he had a nightmare and started crying loudly.  All grandparents were worried about the poor boy.  I ended up bringing him downstairs, because he was afraid of the thunder in addition to the fever and nightmares.

Michelle was entertaining the rest of the guests and even tried to make her sick brother smile.  She would come close, tilt her head to the side, look at him straight into the eyes and make a very very cute face that one wouldn’t be able not to smile if sees it.

Eventually, it was getting late and guests started to leave.  I let Michelle hang out until she was totally ready to sleep tight.  Michael fell asleep on the couch and Boris took him upstairs.  I was exhausted.

Sunday adventures, weekend continues…

health, mama & papa, weekend, my life, michael

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