Feb 04, 2009 11:30
My mom drives me crazy about Melia getting sick because of the "daycare," aka MIL's house. Every sniffle, my mom is at me to take her into the MD's office. How the hell did my mom raise one kid? I don't remember going to the MD's office as often as she tries to get me to take Melia!
Melia has had a cough for 4 weeks now and this week she started wheezing. For weeks she has been a crappy sleeper at night and cries for what seems like hours. I've been so tired and frustrated that I don't know what she wants. At the same time, I kept dismissing my mom's nagging.
Today I took M in because of the wheezing, thinking we'd do breathing treatments via nebulizer.
Double ear infection. Ugh! My poor baby must have been suffering for weeks! To be honest, I would not have thought of it because she has had no temperature and hasn't been yanking at her ears. The no temperature is what threw me off. But I guess the fussiness should have clued me in. I feel horrible. But I'm sure the antibiotics will clear her up quick.
double ear infection