Melia is a full fledge toddler, complete with attitude ugh! She doesn't speak clearly, but she still says things to mimic us. I FINALLY am able to put her hair up without her yanking on the barrettes and ties. We used to be nicey-nice about it and tried to gently ask her not to touch her hair after I've put it up. But then I got fed up and told her sharply "don't touch!" Well, that was Saturday, and she has not touched her 'do for 5 days now =) Yay! I'm not a girly-girl, but having a daughter has really made me into one. Not being able to do her hair has bugged me for months.
WWYD.... Melia is friendly, outgoing, daring... our friends' daughter, "R", is not. Unfortunately, when all of us get together everyone gravitates to Melia. I know my friend is jealous, and sometimes she makes comments as if Ted and I are trying to compete with them. It's all ridiculous. Even with birthday party themes, the other couple gets defensive. It's not our fault that they didn't invite a lot of people (and specifically put that the party is only 2 hours long). When we had M's first birthday, it was huge, mainly because we have a large local family. Plus, the grandparents have so many friends in town too. The other couple tries to make us feel foolish in throwing such a large party. Geez.
What kinda made everything worse is that last weekend was R's 2nd bday party. R isn't really social and is so protective of who is around her mommy. So she doesn't say "hi" or play with the other kids. The kid rarely smiles. In fact, she preferred to play by herself in the backyard. Then here's Melia, laughing, smiling, dancing, giving hugs and kisses, etc. I felt bad, but then I didn't want to feel like that. I'm proud of my bubbly baby! It's just a personality difference that the other couple have a hard time dealing with because everyone plays with Melia and not with R. *sigh*
Anyway, here are piccies from my facebook. You'll see a pix of Melia and R at the party too (dress look familiar, Julie?)
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=41840&l=a7fd9&id=504237713 and this is earlier October: