Jun 28, 2005 17:05
Today I had two interviews, one at 1:30 and the other at 3:30. They were Joe Cool's Ice Cream Shop and Hot Topic respectively. They both went really well. The Joe Cool's guy was extremely nice and he made me feel very comfortable. The interview was outside and it was really nice out, so that was cool. He asked me to tell him about myself and what would make me qualified for the job and I basically did my sale's pitch. And he asked me why I wanted a job in the first place, with money being the obvious reason, and I told him my second biggest reason was that sitting at home all day was super boring so he'd never have to worry about me getting bored at work. He told me he'd' call me tomorrow or Thursday at the latest to set up a training date for this week or this weekend, which basically means that I have a job unless I fuck up really hard! So yay, I'm in the job force.
On to Hot Topic: The Hot Topic guy was really nice. I thought he was a little scary at first just because I was really expecting to look stupid applying to Hot Topic just because...well obvious reasons. But he turned out to be really nice and encouraging. He asked me basically the same type of questions but a little more personalized, such as if I were put on a desert island which three cds would I take with me, and also how would I sell a product that I didn't care for, namely merchandise for a band I didn't like (he initially asked me to state one which I said was Linkin Park). He said he was looking to hire 8 or 9 people, part-time seasonal, so based on what I think the success of the interview was, my prospects seem pretty decent. I don't think I fucked this one up like I expected.
Friday, 10:30 = my FIT interview. We'll see how that goes though the guy has reservations about my going to school in September. This job pays the most out of all three but the hours are the least so I dunno. I still want the job, it'd look pretty good on a resume as well.
Tomorrow is War of the Worlds with half of everyone I know.
Thursday is this get together with Florida Princeton students; also possibly training at Joe Cool's.
And Friday is a special hang out with me, Ana, Vijal and Sheila, hahaha.
Also, almost Kendra and Sheila's birthdays. See I haven't forgotten though it's damned hard to forget Kendra's...