This language police nonsense is getting way out of hand.

Jul 25, 2024 10:07

French-language inspectors are cracking down on Montreal hospitals

"Language inspectors from the Office québécois de la langue française are expanding the range of their inspections beyond businesses and are now targeting hospitals in the Montreal area, even going so far as to verify whether French is being spoken in operating rooms, The Gazette has learned."

And further down, on Wednesday when the operating theaters are apparently closed and no procedures are being run, we have this:

"The working language must be French at all times," the memo adds. "All documents, notes and records must be in French at all times.

"Users must be addressed in French. If users do not speak French, they may ask to be addressed in another language. Apart from compliance with these sections of the law, no special measures are required for (Wednesday’s inspection)."

If you're on a team in an operating theater, and I'm your patient, I want you to speak whatever language allows you to communicate most effectively to ensure that I get the best care possible. I don't give a fuzzy rat's ass what language that is, so long as everyone on the team is perfectly fluent in it and isn't struggling to understand what someone else just said. Difficulties in understanding or translation lead to medical mistakes, and there's already enough of those.

The Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF) really needs to pull its head out of its collective arse, but it won't, because government apparatchiks are the same everywhere: Pencil pushing dust sniffing yahoos. Give them a little power and it goes to their heads, and they start thinking they rule the world and everyone in it.

Oh, and doctors? You have a VERY portable skillset. We're desperate for doctors in the province of Ontario. We'd welcome you with open arms, but check the pay scale here carefully because maybe there's a reason you are where you are.
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