Supernatural spoiler from

Nov 15, 2011 20:06

From Ausiello at

The answer to this question apparently refers to ep 7x13

Question: My Aushole is twitching for some Supernatural scoop about Sam and Dean. Can you make the twitching stop? -Casey

Ausiello: Twitching Aushole? I think there’s a support group for that. Moving on… check out the following casting notice that just landed on my desk and tell me if you’re thinking what I’m thinking: “Lydia is in her late 20s, is striking and attractive. She picks up a man and has a sizzling one-night stand with him. But afterwards, she’s cold and indifferent - could that be because she’s part of a strange cult?” I’ve got a better question: Is the name of the man in question Sam or Dean? (Is that what you were thinking?!)


Now of course I'm hoping like hell it's Dean and we'll finally see HIM with his freaking shirt off, but since apparently someone's having sex, that means it'll be Sam, because Sera never wastes an opportunity to get Jared as naked as possible. :-/

spoilers 7

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