Watched the second episode of the Supernatural anime, "Roadkill", yesterday. Unlike the first episode, "The Alter Ego", which veered off in many different directions than Skin, on which it was based, "Roadkill" is a more faithful retelling of the actual television episode. There was only one difference, regarding Mrs. Greeley, which I actually thought was pretty interesting and wish it had been in the actual TV episode.
For some reason I didn't like Dean's voice in this one as much as in "The Alter Ego". I think it's just my wish that it was Jensen instead, coloring my view of Andrew's voice work. I did like the snippet after the credits, with foreshadowing of what's to come regarding Sam. Speaking of the credits, how cool is that original artwork - with Dean playing his "leg guitar" from Eye of the Tiger and the other one with Sam setting up that little tent thing over Dean as he sits next to the Impala. Nice work!
What did you guys think of "Roadkill"?